
15 Sep 2023

OHCHR press conference

Prof. Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights

14 Sep 2023

WMO press conference

Prof. Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary-General

12 Sep 2023

OHCHR press conference

Paulo Pinheiro, Chair, UN Syria Commission Hanny Megally, Commissioner Lynn Welchman, Commissioner

06 Sep 2023

WMO press conference

Lorenzo Labrador, scientific officer Sara Basart, scientific officer

06 Sep 2023

HRC hybrid press conference

Ambassador Václav Bálek, President of the Human Rights Council

05 Sep 2023

UNEP/GRID hybrid press conference

Pascal Peduzzi, Director, UNEP/GRID-Geneva Arnaud Vander Velpen, Sand industry & data analytics officer, UNEP/GRID-Geneva

05 Sep 2023

UNIDIR hybrid press conference

Paul Holtom, Head of Conventional Arms and Ammunition Programme, UNIDIR Mary Wareham, Human Rights Watch Arms Advocacy Director Loren Persi, Monitor Impact research team editor Susan Aboeid, Production Manager, Cluster Munition Monitor 2023        

04 Sep 2023

WMO hybrid press conference

Omar Baddour, chief of climate monitoring at WMO Wilfran Moufouma Okia, head of regional climate prediction services at WMO

31 Aug 2023

OHCHR hybrid press conference

Michal Balcerzak (Vice Chair) Régine Esseneme, Committee member Stamatia Stavrinaki, Vice Chairperson

16 Aug 2023

UNCTAD hybrid press conference

Junior Davis, Chef, Policy Analysis and Research Branch, Division on Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes Anja Slany, Economist, Policy Analysis and Research Branch, Division on Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes

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