Launch of World Intellectual Property Report (WIPR) “Making Innovation Policy Work for Development”Marco Aleman, Assistant Director General, IP and Innovation Ecosystems SectorCarsten Fink, Chief Economist
Philippe Lazzarini, Commissaire général, UNRWA
Dominique Burgeon, Director of the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva Stefano Fedele, Global Nutrition Cluster Coordinator, UNICEF GenevaCourtney Blake, Senior Humanitarian Advisor for the U.S. Mission in Geneva
Tlaleng Mofokeng, Special Rapporteur on the right to health
Manal Azzi, Senior Specialist on Occupational Safety and HealthBalint Nafradi, Technical Officer on OSH data
Dr Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist, WHODr Lisa Askie, Scientist, Methods Lead, Methods & Standards Team, Science Division, WHO
Ambassador Shiferaw Teklemariam, Commissioner of the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management CommissionThe Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell, Deputy Foreign Secretary and Minister for Development and AfricaRamiz Alakbarov, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia
Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director
Jamie McGoldrick, Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. (Zoom)
Ambassador Cheikh Niang, Chair of the GA Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and Permanent Representative of Senegal to the United Nations in New YorkAmbassador Arrmanatha Nasir, Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations in New…