Selected sound bites with b-roll (1083 stories found)



Bi-weekly press briefing: Libya migrant shooting IOM/UNHCR

Edited News | UNHCR , IOM

STORYLINE The death of a Sudanese man in Libya who was shot after being returned to shore by the coastguard has been condemned by UN humanitarian agencies, who on Friday reiterated their call for the war-torn country’s migrant detention centres to close.




UNOG press conference: United Nations Geneva Director-General Tatiana Valovaya

Edited News | UNOG

In her first Press conference at the Palais des Nations, Tatiana Valovaya, a Russian national, highlighted the significance of her appointment as the first woman to lead the UN’s principal European headquarters, both symbolically and in terms of what she hoped to achieve.



UNICEF press conference: Education Alert West And Central Africa - Muzoon Almellehan, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

Edited News | UNICEF

A surge in “deliberate” attacks against students, teachers and schools in West and Central Africa has led to a tripling in school closures in the last year and left almost two million youngsters “robbed of an education”, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday.