UN Human Rights briefing by Ajith Sunghay on Gaza
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UN Human Rights briefing by Ajith Sunghay on Gaza

STORY: UN Human Rights Spokesperson Ajith Sunghay on “catastrophic situation” for civilians in Gaza  

TRT: 01:35




  • Exterior shot:
  • SOUNDBITE (English)—Ajith Sunghay, Ajith Sunghay, Head of the UN Human Rights Office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “In Rafah, I saw displaced people who had been ordered by Israeli authorities to leave their homes, with no provision for their accommodation, literally living on the street, with sewage running in the streets and conditions of desperation conducive to a complete breakdown in order.”
  • Cut away: Briefing room
  • SOUNDBITE (English)—Ajith Sunghay, Ajith Sunghay, Head of the UN Human Rights Office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “And even in the midst of it all, human rights and humanitarian NGOs, our counterparts in Gaza, continue their courageous work, trying to make sure human rights violations are properly documented and humanitarian response continues – even as their own lives fall apart.”
  • Cut away: Briefing room
  • SOUNDBITE (English)—Ajith Sunghay, Ajith Sunghay, Head of the UN Human Rights Office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “The people I spoke to fear the extreme violence is spilling into Rafah – which will have catastrophic implications for the more than 1.3 million people already crowded there. ”
  • Cut away: Briefing room
  • SOUNDBITE (English)—Ajith Sunghay, Ajith Sunghay, Head of the UN Human Rights Office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “Having personally witnessed and heard the testimonies of those who have endured so much pain and suffering, I am very, very worried. I fear that many more civilians will die. The continued attacks on specifically protected facilities, such as hospitals, will kill civilians, and there will be a further, massive impact on access to health care, safety and security in general of Palestinians.” 
  • Cut away: Briefing room

Ajith Sunghay, who heads the UN Human Rights Office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, was speaking after a visit to Gaza last week. In Khan Younis he had met people who had fled their homes to seek shelter in overcrowded, makeshift camps.  


In Rafah, I saw displaced people who had been ordered by Israeli authorities to leave their homes, with no provision for their accommodation, literally living on the street, with sewage running in the streets and conditions of desperation conducive to a complete breakdown in order,” Sunghay added.


And even in the midst of it all, human rights and humanitarian NGOs, our counterparts in Gaza, continue their courageous work, trying to make sure human rights violations are properly documented and humanitarian response continues – even as their own lives fall apart,” he said.


 Over the past few days, there have been near continuous attacks, including on medical facilities and schools in Khan Younis, UN facilities, as well as residential areas. 


The people I spoke to fear the extreme violence is spilling into Rafah – which will have catastrophic implications for the more than 1.3 million people already crowded there,” Sunghay warned.


 Shelling by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) continues in areas unilaterally designated as “safe” areas, including Al Mawasi in western Khan Younis. 


Having personally witnessed and heard the testimonies of those who have endured so much pain and suffering, I am very, very worried. I fear that many more civilians will die. The continued attacks on specifically protected facilities, such as hospitals, will kill civilians, and there will be a further, massive impact on access to health care, safety and security in general of Palestinians,” said Sunghay. 


The apparent disregard for international law needs to end, Sunghay stressed.. The violence needs to end. Humanitarian aid needs to be delivered without impediment to all those who need it. 


The UN Human Rights Office has repeatedly called for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages, and the need for a political solution that respects and ensures the rights of all Palestinians and Israelis.


In Geneva: 

Ravina Shamdasani - + 41 22 917 9169 / ravina.shamdasani@un.org 

Liz Throssell + 41 22 917 9296 / elizabeth.throssell@un.org

Jeremy Laurence - + 41 22 917 9383 / jeremy.laurence@un.org


 Tag and share - Twitter: @UNHumanRights and Facebook: unitednationshumanrights

in Rafa.
I saw displaced people who had been
ordered by Israeli authorities to leave their homes
with no provision for their accommodation
literally leaving on the street
with SES running in the streets
and conditions of desperation conducive for a complete breakdown in order
and even in the midst of it all, human rights and humanitarian NGO S
our counterparts in Gaza continue their courageous work,
trying to make sure human rights violations are properly documented
and humanitarian response continues
even as their own lives fall apart.
The people I spoke to fear the extreme violence is spilling into Rafah,
which will have catastrophic implications for the more
than 1.3 million people already crowded there.
Having personally witnessed and heard the testimonies of those
who have endured so much pain and suffering,
I'm very, very worried.
I fear that many more civilians will die.
The continued attacks
on specifically protected facilities such as hospitals will kill civilians
and there will be a further massive impact on access to health care,
safety and security in general of Palestinians