UN Geneva Press Briefing - 14 June 2024
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Press Conferences | OHCHR , UNEP

UN Geneva Press Briefing - 14 June 2024


14 June 2024


Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) in Geneva, chaired the hybrid briefing, attended by spokespersons and representatives of the UN Environment Programme and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and followed by a briefing by the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine.


Update from the Assistant Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine


Denise Brown, Assistant Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, provided an update on the area of Kharkiv in Ukraine, where there had been an intensification of the war over the past few months. Over 100 UN staff were based in Kharkiv and Ms. Brown visited often. On her last trip, there were 12 sirens during the day and 12 explosions. There was a constant disruption of daily life. Ms. Brown visited the city two weeks ago when a huge supermarket was hit by a missile strike. She had stood in front of the remnants of the building, which was a mass of twisted steels, broken glass and smoke. It was a hard reality in Kharkiv for the more than one million people who still lived there. When Ms. Brown had first visited in August 2022, the city had been empty due to its proximity to the frontline. Almost two years later, the city was trying to reclaim itself and live despite the war. However, the intensification, the constant strikes and the relentlessness disrupted daily life.


In Kharkiv there were constant blackouts. The anticipation of the cold winters in Ukraine were a huge concern. The only way children could safely study in Kharkiv was in schools in the metro, which was not normal. Beyond the city, Volksfront was a community where mandatory evacuations had taken place. The United Nations, together with local and national actors, were there to receive people, however access to this important community had been reduced. People who had been displaced were living in collective centers. There was death, displacement, and destruction. The UN had also lost access to other important settlements as they were no longer safe enough. People were being impacted every single day by what was happening in Ukraine. The impact of missile strikes was widespread. Since the war, at least 60 percent of the energy Ukraine had able to produce had been lost. There were intense efforts to ensure that what was required would be in place before the winter months. The picture was not good. Everyone needed to understand the intensification of the war and the ramifications for the people of Ukraine; the longer it continued, the more suffering there was. The people of Ukraine were determined, but they needed support.


Responding to questions, Ms. Brown said the UN would be present as observer at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine in Bürgenstock. It was expected that those attending would be announced this afternoon. The Secretary-General had spoken to President Zelensky to explain that he had a personal commitment and could not attend the conference, but the UN would be represented.


Ms. Brown said the UN was an observer at the conference, not an organizer. The Secretary-General had reiterated his considerations of the violation of the UN charter and the hope for a just peace in Ukraine. The rest of the world should not normalize the war in Ukraine.


Ms. Brown said she was outside Ukraine because she participated in the Berlin recovery conference and was speaking to donors this afternoon. Journalists should speak to the conference organizers regarding details of the working groups of the summit and the peace plan. Whoever attended the conference from the UN would be attentively listening.


Responding to further questions, Ms. Brown said the humanitarian response focused on civilians. Studies found a seven percent increase in persons with disabilities in Ukraine. This presented a huge, immediate challenge to the country including for physical support. Currently there wasn’t enough support for those who lost limbs, there was a need to strengthen capacity in areas like Kharkiv. The psychological traumatisms were being addressed, but needed more attention. The longer-term challenges for Ukraine would be the reintegration of people who were made disabled, into economic and social life. WHO and UNICEF were working hard to tackle this issue but were nowhere near where they needed to be.


Conference on the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution, 17 to 21 June 2024


Alejandro Laguna, for the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), said the world was facing a crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and chemicals and pollution. UNEP’s work was focused on identifying the root causes of this crisis and finding solutions, including through providing science to policy makers so they could make informed decisions. There were already science policy panels in place for other crises, but the one for chemicals, waste, and the prevention of pollution was missing. Next week, through the conference, a crucial step would be taken towards the creation of this new panel. Two sessions would be open to journalists, including the opening session and the closing day. There would be a press release, but it was not yet decided whether there would be a press conference. Mr. Laguna said journalists could email him throughout the week to request interviews.


Jacqueline Álvarez, Chief of UNEP’s Chemicals and Health Branch, said that the three key words were death, pollution and GDP. The numbers were concerning; 99 percent of the world’s population were breathing air which levels did not respond to the WHO guidelines. Seven percent of the global GDP was lost due to just one chemical. The panel would aim to make the invisible things visible. There needed to be political will to achieve this, not just from countries, but also those who had the means to create different processes and modalities and ways of working.


Responding to questions, Ms. Álvarez said the chemical which had caused the seven percent loss of GDP was lead. Everyone was at risk because of this chemical. The negotiations at the conference were guided by member states, but industries, non-governmental organizations, UN agencies and academia were also sitting in the same plenary and putting forward their initiatives to get rid of the problems.


Responding to further questions, Ms. Álvarez said one of the reasons this topic was connected with the GDP, was because there was evidence that lead reduced the IQ of children. This was affecting mainly developing countries and was widening the gap for obtaining better living conditions and life expectancy. This was also related to public health policies and the need for treatments to support people affected by these chemicals.


Ethiopia: UN Human Rights Chief calls for sustained efforts to halt violations and abuses


Elizabeth Throssell, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today called for concrete measures to halt the human rights violations and abuses that continued to endanger reconciliation and peace in Ethiopia. The High Commissioner’s call came as the UN Human Rights Office issued an update analysing the human rights situation across Ethiopia from January 2023 to January 2024. Violent conflicts, particularly in the Amhara and Oromia regions, led to serious human rights violations and abuses in 2023, the update said. In the northern Tigray region, there was a significant improvement in the human rights situation following the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement in November 2022, but concerns persisted regarding ongoing violations by members of the Eritrean Defence Forces. In 2023, at least 1,351 civilians were killed in Ethiopia in attacks reportedly carried out by Government forces, Eritrean troops, anti-Government militias and some unknown actors. Overall, the update recorded 594 incidents of human rights violations and abuses affecting 8,253 victims, a 56 per cent increase compared with 2022.


The State of Emergency, which was declared on 4 August 2023 and expired on 3 June 2024, had resulted in actions by security forces in violation of Ethiopia’s international human rights obligations. The High Commissioner welcomed the fact that the authorities had not extended the State of Emergency. The Office’s update acknowledged the Ethiopian Government’s efforts to promote transitional justice and prevent violence against women and children, as well as its openness to engage in dialogue to resolve the fighting in the Amhara region. The Office would continue to monitor the situation which remained worrying. Progress on accountability linked to conflict had been limited. If grievances were not addressed, there was risk of further conflict. Among the recommendations from the update, was the implementation of a comprehensive, inclusive and participatory transitional justice process. Ethiopia's Council of Ministers adopted a transitional justice policy in April this year, and its implementation was launched on the 9th of May. The UN Human Rights Office was ready to continue to provide support to the government.


The full press release is available here.

Responding to questions, Ms. Throssell said the situation in Ethiopia was complex. The update emphasised the importance of ensuring that the accountability and transitional justice processes continued and were fully implemented. There had been significant improvements in Tigray since the cessations of hostilities in 2022. A few of the recommendations in the update related to accountability and to the transitional justice processes. There were significant planning and policies being put forward which now needed to be implemented.


Responding to further questions, Ms. Throssell said the update noted the improvements in Tigray, but it was clear the situation remained volatile. The update was trying to paint a nuanced picture. There were humanitarian concerns which continued in Tigray and other parts of Ethiopia. Also, Eritrean troops were operating on their own. When the Office issued reports, these were shown to the Government; journalists would need to ask the Government for their position on the report. OHCHR stood ready to help implement different policies, including the transitional justice policy. The Office would be looking to assist with any required legislative changes to help this move forward.


Concerted global action needed to tackle cross-border and transnational female genital mutilation


Elizabeth Throssell, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said the global fight against female genital mutilation was being undermined by the practice of crossing national borders and beyond to have girls undergo the procedure, according to a new report from the UN Human Rights Office. Although many States had intensified their efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM), the practice continued across the world, in part due to “the clandestine nature of cross-border and transnational FGM,” the report said. High Commissioner Türk called on FGM to be eliminated in all forms. Based on in-depth desk research and submissions from States and civil society organisations around the world, the report noted that an estimated 4.3 million girls were at risk of being subjected to FGM in 2023. More than 600,000 women in the European Union were thought to be living with the consequences of FGM. The report highlighted the concept of “vacation cutting” where girls were taken to their countries of origin to undergo FGM during the school holidays. States worldwide had made commitments to eradicate FGM; the High Commissioner called on all states to harmonise legal and policy frameworks to meet their commitments and end this harmful practice everywhere.


The full press release is available here.


Responding to questions, Ms. Throssell said the recent legislative initiative to repeal the ban on FGM in the Gambia threatened the progress made on FGM. Female genital mutilation was a human rights violation; there was no justification for gender-based violence, neither on the grounds of culture or tradition. It was imperative for states to protect women and girls in their own countries and to collaborate with other countries to prevent cross-border FGM.


Responding to further questions, Ms. Throssell said the report urged States to improve data collection.  It was difficult to gain an understanding the breadth of this phenomenon, due to its clandestine nature. The report stated that data in the Middle-East and Asia was scant, which hindered the development of policies and evidence-based interventions.


Regarding “vacation cutting”, Ms. Throssell said this was observed in North America, Europe and Australia, with girls being taken back to their community of origin, significant examples of cross-border mutilation. While FGM may be criminalised in the country where the girl lived, she could be taken to a country where it was not criminalised or the laws were not enforced, and undergo the cutting there, which was why the Office called for a global approach. It was not just about criminalising people but also about supporting the survivors and developing educational and prevention campaigns. This was a complex issue which needed a complex and nuanced approach.


Ms. Throssell said the scope of the law would determine if parents who took their daughters to be cut in another country would be prosecuted, as well as evidence. If the criminal laws were in place, it was important they were implemented, with a view to ensuring that vulnerable people were not targeted. The scope of the criminal law would determine what level of evidence was needed to bring a successful prosecution. Support for the survivors had also to be paramount.


Yemen: Continued detention of UN staff


Elizabeth Throssell, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said it had now been a week since six of the Office’s staff, among 13 UN personnel, were taken by the de facto authorities from their homes in the Yemeni cities of Sanaa, Hudaydah and Hajjah. Two of them were women. Several other people working for national and international NGOs and other organisations supporting humanitarian activities had also been detained. Since their detention on 6 June, the six OHCHR staff members had not had contact with their families, nor had the UN been able to access them or to receive individual confirmation of their detention. Two other UN human rights colleagues and two UNESCO staff were already being held incommunicado prior to the latest wave of arrest. Dozens of other individuals had similarly been detained outside of any legal protection in recent days.


The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk remained deeply worried about the conditions in which they were being held and demanded their immediate and unconditional release. He stressed that the public broadcasting on 10 and 12 June of statements procured under circumstances of inherent duress from one colleague, detained incommunicado, and others detained since 2021 was totally unacceptable, and violated their human rights. Targeting of human rights and humanitarian workers needed to cease immediately. Efforts should instead be stepped up to serve the needs of the 18.2 million people in Yemen currently in need of humanitarian aid and protection, needs that the detained colleagues were delivering on. 


Alessandra Vellucci, for the United Nations Information Service (UNIS), said a joint statement had been distributed yesterday, which was signed by heads of UN agencies and NGOs who called for immediate and unconditional release of all personnel held in Yemen by the de facto authorities. The High Commissioner was also a signatory. These detentions were unprecedented and directly impeded the ability of UN agencies to reach the most vulnerable people in Yemen.


Responding to questions, Ms. Throssell said the broadcast featured one person who was put on camera and made to do a forced confession, with the video distributed on social media. This was a staff member who had been held since 2021. The detentions were extremely concerning. The Office was continuing to work with other UN colleagues to secure their release. The video, where the colleague was forced to admit to outrageous allegations, including acts of collusion, had been posted on X. Those being detained were all local staff.


Ms Vellucci said the Secretary-General had released a statement which had been sent to media, on these alarming developments, that raised serious concern about the commitment to a negotiated solution to the conflict and the arbitrary detention of civilians.


Responding to further questions, Ms. Throssell said the UN were doing their utmost working behind the scenes on this issue. She could not provide further details.


Ms. Vellucci said the UN were in touch with the de facto authorities and were working to secure the personnel’s release from detention.


Abortion Law in Brazil


Responding to questions Elizabeth Throssell, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said the Office was concerned that an urgent procedure for the law in Brazil had been approved, which deemed an abortion of over 22 weeks to be equated with homicide. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women had provided a recommendation to Brazil last month to decriminalise abortion in all cases and ensure women and girls had access to safe abortion services.  The access to safe, legal and effective abortion was firmly rooted in international human rights law. It was essential to women and girls’ autonomy and their ability to make their own choices. The Office was following what was happening in Brazil.


Occupied Palestinian Territory


Responding to questions regarding data on children in armed conflict, Elizabeth Throssell, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said colleagues working on the Occupied Palestinian Territory were gathering data on various incidents concerning children. She did not have that level of disaggregated data currently, but going forward this was something the colleagues would be looking at.


Regarding alleged reports that the Israeli Ministry of Finance was taking Palestinian tax money to use for victims of Palestinian attacks, Ms. Throssell said she did not have specific details, so would need to further enquire. Occupying powers had certain responsibilities, so it would seem this was not appropriate.




Alessandra Vellucci for the United Nations Information Service (UNIS), said unfortunately, today marked 1,000 days on the unacceptable ban on secondary school girls’ education in Afghanistan. No other country banned education in this way. She called attention to the press release issued by Education Cannot Wait, who were starting the second phase of their campaign called #AfghanGirlsVoices, which highlighted real life testimonies of hope, courage and resilience by Afghan girls denied their right to education. The press release was available online.


Monday June 17 was an official UN holiday and the Palais des Nations would be closed. However, access was permitted through the Chemin de Fer Gate between 7 and 11am. Exit was possible from the Pregny Gate until the end of the day.


On Tuesday 18 June, the Human Rights Council would start a new session in Room XX where High Commissioner Volker Türk would give his update.








Good morning.
Welcome to the press briefing of the Information Service here in Geneva.
Today is Friday, 14th of June.
We have had a busy week, as you all know,
and today is going to be also quite busy. We have two colleagues actually briefing.
And then, as we have announced to you in writing,
we will close the briefing at the latest at 1115.
And then we'll hear from Denise Brown,
who will be here in person to brief you on the situation in Ukraine.
So let me start by introducing you.
Jacqueline Alvarez,
the chief of
Chemical and Health Branch.
you are here for an announcement on a conference on
sound management of chemicals and waste and prevent pollution.
You've got the floor.
Thank you.
Maybe I'll just
I'll take it
But in any case, thank you very much
and thank you to all of you. Good morning.
As you might have heard, if you read about our work and the work of other agencies, we
tend to use a lot lately the messaging around the triple planetary crisis.
Because it's true. We're facing a crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and
chemicals and pollution.
and UNEP's work is very much focused on
identifying the root sources of these crises
and also on finding solutions for them.
One way is by providing science to policy
makers so that they can make informed decisions.
As you might be aware, there are already two of these crises that have a
a science policy panel
to address them in place.
We've got one for climate change, the IPCC and we've got one for biodiversity.
But there's one missing and that's the one for chemicals,
waste and prevention of pollution.
Next week in Geneva this coming week,
we are going to take hopefully a crucial step towards the
creation of this new panel inter governmental panel science policy interface
that will address chemicals, waste and the prevention of pollution.
Let me
already announce that we will share media advisory with you today
there will be two sessions that will be open to journalists.
It's at the International Conference Centre,
the opening session where, by the way, we expect Dr Tedros as well as the head of our
industry and economy division
on the closing day. There will also be a session on Friday
open to journalists, and we will have our executive director, Inger
We will have a press release.
It's not clear whether there will be a press conference,
and in any case, if any of you are interested in the topic,
I would kindly invite you to send me an email so we can arrange interviews.
This will be possible throughout the week.
would like to give the floor to Jacqueline
Alev, the chief of
chemicals and health brands, part of the industry and economy division.
Um, she already and her team scored a rather big goal last year,
which I witnessed with the with the creation with
the setting up the global framework on chemicals.
And now we're about to face another crucial moment. The floor is yours.
So thank you. Thank you very much.
why I'm here today with you.
One of the main reasons is again to
highlight the importance of making the invisible visible.
And that's part of the role that the science policy panel for chemicals,
waste and prevention of pollution is looking to to do
you have heard many times forever chemicals,
omnipresence of those chemicals in our bodies, in the environment,
in all the products that we use?
Are they essential?
Sometimes they are essential because we need to achieve the development,
the sustainable development goals we need to help development.
We need to
stop poverty. We need to stop. Hunger
and chemicals are part of that scheme that we cannot avoid.
But and here we come with the but But
and I will put three words together death, pollution and GDP.
If I go into the numbers, it's really very concerning.
We have 99% of the population of the world
that are
breathing levels in the air
that are not responding to the WHO guidelines. 99%. So
if we just make numbers,
imagine all of us are not in the best conditions.
I'll mention
I mentioned GDP. So I will also mention the loss of GDP cost only to one chemicals.
And that is 7% of the global GDP, only one chemical. Imagine the numbers.
It's really concerning
There was this realisation that we need to have a
better bridge between the science and the policy makers.
So this panel that will be
negotiated on the foundational document finished next week One of the
main tasks is to make this invisible things to practically everybody
in the world
the visibility that, uh, it needs to to have providing solutions,
not only saying this is a problem, but what can we
do to raise awareness,
to solve the situation and to mobilise the political
will that it is needed to make the change.
And when I am referring to political will, I'm not only referring to countries,
I am also referring to those that have the key in, uh,
in their hands to make different processes different, uh,
in in a way. Ways and modalities of working.
Thank you.
Thank you very much, madam. And now let's open the floor to questions.
Let me see if there is any in the room. I don't see any hand up,
uh, and on the platform part
of the
Yes. Uh, good morning. Um,
uh, thank you very much for for this presentation. Uh, first of all, I, um,
wanted to know you said that, uh, the
there was a loss of 7% of GDP for just one chemical. Which chemical is that?
And do you have a figure for, like, other chemicals or more chemicals.
Um, And then when it comes to this conference, um,
will you be, uh will the private sector be invited
and you know who also, who do you, um, think is most critical to,
uh, to mobilise, As you said, um, to be able to resolve uh, these,
um these issues that you described.
So I'm referring to lead
a metal that maybe all of you played or some of
you when you were Children and going fishing with your parents
in the little things that you put so that you see where your
line is is going is very complicated,
always associated with Children.
But now, with evidence associating it also to cardiovascular
health, meaning that every single person is in risk because of of this chemical.
Second part of the question, we the negotiations are
guided by member states
by countries, and they are the ones that are going to make the decision.
industry NGO S, other private sectors, U, United Nations, organisations,
all of them are sitting together in the
same plenary and putting forward their their,
uh, initiatives, concepts
with the same objective of getting rid of these problems. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Uh, Ravi
Yeah. Thank you. Uh, Alexa,
uh, my question is that, uh, you have, uh, brought some linkage between, uh,
the problem and the GTP.
Uh, what exactly do you? Uh, uh, sort of indicate from the GDP site
Is high growth or in, uh, GDP terms
is a problem for, uh, what we are facing in terms of po pollution and the chemical,
you know, explosion that has taken place.
Uh, are you suggesting that, uh,
which would then mean that globalisation per SE has led to this problem?
If we now think into the new ways of handling this problem.
So one of the reasons why we are connecting this topic also with the GDP
and I will use again The example of lead is because we know lead reduces the IQ
of Children.
They are of adults. They are for the economic force. That they will be
in the next years after they are Children.
Are is also affected.
It's affecting mainly developing countries around the world
opening or widening the gap that exists for get better.
Getting better conditions, livelihoods,
life expectancy.
There are many things related,
but it's also related to public health and the need of hospitals,
the need of treatments.
They need to, in a way,
cover the health of the people that are affected by these chemicals. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Is there any other question
to UN E?
Otherwise, thank you very much for coming. Thanks.
And good luck with your important conference
and I'll turn to my left now.
Uh, well, actually,
the thing is that you have been asking for human rights and human rights together
because Liz has a series of topics that she would bring to our attention.
I don't know. Which one do
we like
to start with? We start with Ethiopia. OK,
Yes. Uh, good morning, everyone. Um,
the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Folk
Turk today called for concrete measures to halt the human rights violations
and abuses that continue to endanger reconciliation and peace in Ethiopia.
The High Commissioner urges the parties to the conflict to
halt ongoing hostilities and to resolve difference through peaceful means.
It's essential that the authorities take all feasible steps to protect civilians,
prevent further violations and ensure there are full
investigations to bring those responsible to justice.
Now as you will have seen,
the UN Human Rights Office has today issued an update analysing the
human rights situation across Ethiopia from January 2023 to January 2024.
Now some of the points in this update include violent conflicts,
particularly in the
Amhara and
Oromia regions, led to serious human rights violations and abuses in 2023
in the northern trey
There was a significant improvement in the human rights
situation following the cessation of hostilities agreement in November 2022
but concerns persist regarding ongoing violations by members of the
re and defence forces.
In 2023 at least
351 civilians were killed in Ethiopia
in attacks reportedly carried out by government forces, Eritrean troops,
anti government militias and some unknown actors,
and of the civilians killed, 740 of these were in
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles by government forces resulted in 248 civilian
deaths between 4 August and 31 December 2023 and destroyed vital infrastructure,
including schools and hospitals,
raising concerns about the extent of compliance
of these strikes with international law.
the update records 594 incidents of human
rights violations and abuses affecting 8253 victims.
Now that's a 56 per cent increase compared with 2022
according to the update.
State actors were reportedly responsible for some 70 per cent of the violations,
while non state actors accounted for some 22 per cent.
Fanu insurgents and their allies killed at least 52 civilians in
Amhara and destroyed civilian property,
attacked medical personnel and destroyed ambulances
in violence targeted at government personnel.
The update also
details an attack on 29 January 2024 in which at least 89 civilians were killed,
reportedly by government troops in Mirai
town near
the regional capital of
Now the high commissioner welcomed the fact that the
authorities did not extend the state of emergency,
which was declared on 4 August 2023 and expired on 3 June this year.
Now we are urging the authorities to
release immediately those detained under the former state
of emergency if they've not been charged under
currently valid law and tried promptly and fairly
and of course those who have not been charged should also be released immediately.
The update acknowledges the Ethiopian government's efforts to promote
transitional justice and prevent violence against women and Children,
as well as its openness to engage in dialogue to resolve the fighting in the Amhara
Such progressive measures require sustained commitment, the update notes.
Now I'll leave it there, but just to briefly add,
given that the update covers the period from January 2023 to January this year,
we are of course continuing to monitor developments and incidents
and to just give you a very brief overview.
The situation in
regions remains worrying
with ongoing fighting between government forces against
Amhara Militia and
and the or
Remote Liberation Army respectively.
one of the points in the update is that progress on accountability for human rights
violations and abuses linked to conflicts has been
limited despite repeated commitments by the government.
Now it's clear that if grievances are
not addressed and accountability not pursued the risk
increases of further conflict and among the update's
recommendations is the implementation of a comprehensive,
inclusive and participatory transitional justice process.
The Ethiopia's Council of Ministers adopted
a transitional justice policy in April this year
and its implementation was launched on 9 May.
And of course,
the UN Human Rights Office is ready
to continue to continue accompanying the government.
On this,
there are lots more details in the extensive update,
and I'll leave it there. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Liz, Let's, uh, start, uh uh, to ask if there are any questions on this subject.
Imogen, Good morning.
Happy to see you in person.
Can you hear me now? Right.
OK, so
yeah, yeah. OK, so with Ethiopia, it just seems it's not. It's not the first time that
there's a lot of
words on paper
towards accountability, addressing violations,
transitional justice, et cetera.
But it never seems to get off the paper.
Yes, it's a complex situation. The update covers a whole range of situations.
It details a whole range of human rights violations and abuses.
It makes reference to the transitional justice
process that was discussed with multiple stakeholders.
But I think that is actually precisely the point that we're making today.
That it is really important that the accountability processes,
the transitional justice processes continue and are actually implemented.
And that is why Of course, the High Commissioner has made this call,
and the update itself details it.
We have seen some significant improvements in Tegre.
Although there are problems, there are sort of conflicts in parts of Tigre.
since the cessation of hostilities agreement in
2022 there has been in some progress.
But of course, we always need to keep monitoring, keep looking at the issues.
So that is why, as I said,
a couple of the recommendations in this update relate to accountability.
Relate to the transitional justice process. So, yes, there is a lot of discussion.
There's a lot of planning.
There's a lot of policy being put forward, and you're absolutely right, Imogen.
It now needs to be implemented, which is actually what we're saying.
And I here nodding
other questions in the room so I'll go to the platform. Liza.
Yes. Hi. Uh, good morning,
Le. Let's see. I'll start first with
Tigray. Uh, you You you say that
things have really improved there.
I mean, I've been reading reports that say that, uh,
things that are really not so great
Tigray that, uh, hunger is still fairly acute in areas of Perhaps you could,
uh, tell us a bit more about the situation there,
whether the kind of humanitarian aid that, uh, was so critical in the past,
uh, is getting through to them,
um, or whether situation has really levelled out in a pretty nice way.
And then I'd like to
understand in regard to, uh,
Amhara and or or or uh or Mia you talk about,
uh, the Eritrean troops that are there. Have they been invited in by the government?
Are they essentially allies? Or,
uh, are they operating on their own?
And, uh, again, when the war in Tigray was at its height,
Uh, there was a lot of concern about refugees that were,
um that that were there were actually being sent back to Eritrea.
I don't know what the refugee situation is
and whether it extends to, uh, this volatile area. Uh uh, Amar
if you could talk about that,
uh, also,
what does the government have to say
about this latest report? You don't, um,
you know, really talk about them. Do they agree with most of what you have outlined?
And, uh, how do you see this happening?
Is this report gonna be issued by the way, and the Human Rights Council? Or is this a a
one off? Thanks.
OK, Lisa, A lot of questions.
I'll try and answer them all, but obviously you'll remind me if I miss one out.
So on T
The update notes the improvements following the cessation of hostilities,
but it is absolutely clear that it still remains volatile.
There are conflicts taking place in Tigre,
so we're not saying that things are perfect there, far from it.
But the update is trying to take an
overall picture, a nuanced picture of what is happening there.
there is concern, obviously humanitarian concerns that continue
in Tigre
and other parts of Ethiopia.
So, really, the report is looking at Ethiopia overall, the human rights situation.
It talks about
Oria and Tre,
and it does make the point that there has been some improvement.
But there are still problems
with regard to Eritrean troops. They're operating on their own.
With regard to refugees.
I would need to double check specifically on the position there
on the government's response to our report.
Well, obviously that's something that you would need to follow up with them.
But as you know, when we issue reports like this and it is our report,
it's not a Human Rights Council report.
We do. We do.
We do
show to the government
it knows what is in the report. As for their position on what we're saying,
you'd have to ask them. But the update is talking, making recommendations.
And one of the things that we always say, of course,
is that we stand ready to help implement different policies.
There may be, for example,
with the transitional justice policy there is
likely a need for some legislative changes.
And, of course, the Human rights office, working very closely
with counterparts there, would be looking at that to help
the situation moving forward.
I think you answered
all the questions. I don't see Lisa
asking for a follow up, so that's fine. Let's go to Tamil.
I have a question that is not related to the reports that were presented.
Can I go ahead or should I wait?
It's not on the report, but it's still on Ethiopia or it's on another subject.
OK, can you wait, please,
because I've got a few some more questions on I hope Ethiopia.
And then we will come to you. Police has three points today, so let's see.
John John Zaro.
Is that on Ethiopia?
No, it's not on
Ethiopia. I'll wait as well. Thanks.
All right, so nobody else has question on the
Would you like to go ahead? Or should I take the two questions first?
OK, so let's finish the briefing that she has planned for us today.
There are two more subjects.
One on female genital mutilation and the other one on Yemen.
So if I may,
I'd like to talk about this report that we've issued on female genital mutilation,
obviously a hugely important serious subject.
So, as you see,
we've today issued a report calling for concerted
global action to tackle female genital mutilation.
The main point of our report is that the global fight against
FGM is being undermined by having girls cross
national borders and beyond to undergo the procedure.
Although many states have intensified their
efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation,
the practise is continuing across the world,
in part due to what the report describes
as the clandestine nature of cross border and transnational
Now female genital mutilation has no place
in the human rights respecting universe.
As the High Commissioner
and the High Commissioner, folk
is quite clear on this.
It must be eliminated in all its forms
and the gender stereotypes and patriarchal norms.
Anchor and perpetuated uprooted
the reports based on in depth test research and submission
from states and civil society organisations around the world.
There are some figures in it,
so it notes that an estimated 4.3 million girls were at risk of being subjected to
FGM in 2023.
More than 600,000 women in the European Union
are thought to be living with the consequences of
One aspect that the report highlights is what is called vacation cutting.
And that's when families, particularly in Europe and North America,
take their daughters to their countries and communities of origin
to undergo
FGM during the school holidays.
In certain cases,
girls are reportedly taken to countries that serve as transnational
The report also says that in some cases it is the cutter,
so the people who perform this procedure
that move across borders to carry out the harmful procedure.
Another aspect that is highlighted in The report is that girls
and young women living in border communities are particularly vulnerable,
given that border areas often host communities with
cultural and ethnic ties that transcend national borders.
States worldwide have made human rights commitments to eradicate
FGM and to advance gender equality.
So the high Commissioner is calling on them to
ensure that there is a joined up global approach
that addresses the root causes and the consequences of
FGM. And
this includes harmonising their legal and policy frameworks
and ensuring these are implemented to truly meet
their commitments to end this harmful practise everywhere.
Another key element in the report is, of course,
the importance of supporting survivors.
It calls on states to ensure there are effective prevention measures in place,
designed in consultation with survivors and relevant civil
society organisations and in partnership with affected communities,
religious and traditional leaders.
I'll leave it there.
But of course, there is a lot more in the report that we issued earlier. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Liz,
uh, questions from the room.
Yes. Nina.
Hi, Liz.
Uh, I was just wondering if you had any, uh, comments on the Gambia situation.
Uh, I know it's not cross-border, but on the law that's being considered. Thank you.
Yes, that is a concrete example. Concrete development.
Nina. Thank you for highlighting that.
This recent legislative initiative to repeal the ban on FGM in the Gambia
does, of course, threaten the progress that made so far in the elimination of
and obviously will have a severe impact on girls and women's rights.
I think it's
really important to be clear female genital mutilation is a human rights violation
no matter where it is.
There's no justification for gender based
violence against women and girls anywhere,
neither on the ground of culture nor on the ground of tradition.
And that's why moving it back away from just one country.
But globally,
it is imperative for states to protect women and girls
from FGM in their countries and collaborate with other countries,
including regionally, to prevent this cross border or transnational
FGM that this report focuses on.
Thank you.
Thank you very much. Are there questions in the room?
I go to the platform
So jumping over Jamil
and John, we know that it's not only subject. I'll
Uh, thank you.
Uh, I just want to know how serious and acute is this problem FGM in India, where,
you know,
because of the culture and the patriarchal system
that prevails,
Uh, you know, and this has been a very seriously observed in the past many years.
So I just want to get a glance of what
exactly where does this problem stand and how serious it is
among countries in the world?
Yes, thank you for that question.
Because it really goes to the heart of the problem here.
And one of the recommendations that the report
makes is urging states to improve data collection.
There are some figures in the report, but as it makes clear, it is very,
very hard to really
get an accurate
idea understanding of how
problematic it is, how widespread it is
Of course, the clandestine nature of FGM
of transnational and cross border
FGM means that it is very hard to get exact numbers.
And it's very interesting that you're raising the issue of India, for example,
the report itself says that, for example,
with regard to the Middle East and Asia,
really data is unavailable or is very scant.
you know,
this hinders the development of policies and evidence based interventions.
So that goes back to the point the report is
making There is a real need for improved data collection.
Easier said than done, absolutely,
given the whole nature of this procedure of this practise.
But that is why the UN Human Rights Office thought it was
important to focus on this particular aspect and make these recommendations.
So thank you for your question.
Yeah. Uh, hi, Liz. Again.
could you elaborate on where, uh, mainly this vacation so-called vacation cutting
goes on. Which countries? Uh, I mean, I've heard a lot over the years about,
girls in in, uh, in England, Uh, for instance, being duped into going to Pakistan.
Pakistan always comes up as a country somehow
where, uh, the parents,
uh, take their girls for a vacation, and they end up being cut.
So if you could, uh, mention, uh, some of the main countries where this occurs,
it occurs mainly in Asia or in the Middle East or Africa.
I mean, a Africa is a continent, of course, where
a lot of this is going on, and that may only be going on domestically,
shall we say and not, um
across borders. And then secondly, uh, are are there not laws in,
uh, Western countries in the UK and the United States, and
wherever you name it against it and,
uh, are
they having difficulty enforcing it or they're
not really committed to this things?
Lisa, The report
examples of these two aspects.
One is what they're calling transnational and one is calling cross border.
It essentially means girls being moved from one place to another.
There are lots of details in the report regarding specific countries,
but with regard to the vacation cutting,
it really is
If I may say so,
North America,
Europe, Australia,
girls being taken back to maybe their
countries or their family's country of origin,
their community of origin.
So the transnational side of it.
There's also a lot of detailing in the report about
what is being framed as cross border female genital mutilation,
where girls are taken across borders.
So from one country to a neighbouring country,
yes, there are laws against it. That's the whole point.
States have taken steps to criminalise
but the whole point, of course, is that it may be criminalised
in the country in which the girl lives.
But then she is taken to a country where it
is perhaps not criminalised or that it is not.
The criminal laws are not enforced.
So that really underscores why there is this call for this joined up global approach
to implement policies, of course, to make sure that
the criminal laws are enforced.
But equally important, because it's not just about criminalising
It's also about putting the resources into supporting the affected people.
The survivors, as it were
of developing effective prevention campaigns,
education campaigns with working with those who are most directly affected.
So the women and girls have been affected by
with their communities, with faith leaders with society leaders.
So it's a complex issue
that needs a complex, sophisticated, nuanced approach.
And this is what the report is trying to highlight.
So thanks again for your question on that.
I see Liza has a follow up.
Yeah, just a quick follow up.
Uh uh regarding the criminalization. Uh, if parents take their child
to a foreign country
and then they return
to the original country, let's take the UK as an example again, they go back to the UK,
which does have laws against it.
Can the parents then
be, uh, penalised for having taken the, uh, the girl to another country and
having her, uh, mutilated genitally mutilated or
Thank you.
I won't speak to the specific example of a country,
but I think with regard to a criminal law in force in a country,
it will depend on the scope of that law as to whether, for example,
the parents would be prosecuted.
It also relies, of course, a lot on evidence.
So we are now veering to criminal law rather than human rights law.
So I don't want to speak in depth about
it because obviously we're not a criminal law organisation.
But clearly, if the criminal laws are in place,
it is very important that they are implemented.
But again, with a view to making sure that it is not targeting for example,
vulnerable people.
So it needs again, I think, to be
through again. Why talking about having
joined up policies in place so absolutely again,
I think depending on the scope of the particular
criminal law in force in a particular jurisdiction,
it would depend on what levels of evidence gathering would
be needed in order to bring a successful prosecution.
But at the same time,
support for the survivor as it were support for the girl must also be paramount.
And yes,
yes. Hello. Good morning, everybody. Um, it's a a bit of follow up of, uh,
First questions the the report is mentioning the existence of some hubs.
Uh, where the the those girls are are sent,
uh, for this, um, mutilation.
um, I would like to to ask you if you could specify here, uh, give some examples of
which hubs. Uh uh, are you talking about, uh, what are the the the cities? The
the capitals? Uh, I don't know.
Because it it It didn't clearly specify the
the report which hubs we are talking about.
Thank you.
Yes, thank you.
I think, given that the report makes reference to transnational hubs,
but as you're right, it doesn't go into detail.
I think that would be something that I would need to follow up with
the relevant colleagues who actually drafted the
report to see if they have specific,
specific reference to where this is taking place.
Thank you very much.
Lisa has the last point on Yemen on the UN staff
detained and then I haven't forgotten about Jamil and John.
Go back to you.
Would you like to
maybe go to that?
Thank you.
Yes, thank you.
It's now been a week since six of our staff among 13 UN personnel were
taken by the de facto authorities from their homes in the Yemeni cities of Sana'a,
Two of the staff are women.
A number of other people working for national and international
NGOs and other organisations supporting
humanitarian activities have also been detained
since their detention on 6 June.
The six UN Human Rights Office staff members
have not had contact with their families.
Nor has the UN been able to access them
or to receive individual confirmation of their detention,
a reminder that two other UN human rights colleagues and two UNESCO
staff were already being held
incommunicado prior to the latest detentions.
Dozens of other individuals have similarly been detained
outside of any legal protection in recent days.
We remain deeply worried about the conditions in which they're
being held and we demand their immediate and unconditional release.
The public broadcasting on 10 and 12 June of
statements procured under circumstances of inherent duress from one of
our colleagues detained in Communicado and others detained since 2021
is totally unacceptable and itself violates their human rights.
Targeting of human rights and humanitarian workers must cease immediately,
and efforts should instead be stepped up to serve the needs of the 18.2
million people in Yemen who are currently
in need of humanitarian aid and protection
and needs that our detained colleagues were delivering on
this. Eid al ADHA
will be particularly difficult for the families of those detained and
for many others who now live in fear of being themselves detained
again, the High Commissioner
urges their immediate, unconditional release.
Thank you.
Thank you very much on this particular subject.
I'd like to add that yesterday we have distributed to you
a joint statement on the detention of UN and NGO personnel in Yemen,
which was signed by 246 11 heads of
of UN agencies and
where the principal call altogether
for the immediate and unconditional release of all personnel
held in Yemen by the Houthi de facto authorities.
And of course,
High Commissioner for
Kotok was also one of the signature,
also signed this joint communique.
As Liz
just said,
these detentions are unprecedented not only in Yemen,
but globally and directly impede the ability of our
agencies to reach the most vulnerable people in Yemen,
including the 18.2 million people who need humanitarian aid and protection.
All their heads
of these bodies asked the
authorities to confirm the exact whereabouts of those detained
and the conditions in which they are being held,
as well as for immediate access to them and, of course, unconditional release.
So that is something we have distributed to you all.
Nina has a question.
Uh, yeah. Thanks.
Uh, Liz, I was just wondering, could you say a little bit more about this, uh,
public broadcast and who
featured in it? And, uh, when you talk about, um,
inherent duress if you could give a bit more details about, uh,
about what you're talking about there Thank you
Was one of the people who'd been held.
He was put on camera on social media. I'm informed,
and it appears to be a forced confession. Basically.
So that's why this is the inherent duress this is. We're deeply concerned anyway.
But the fact that
they were made to do this
this was a staff member who has actually been held since 2021.
So we were already deeply,
deeply concerned about the staff members that have been held,
and then these latest detentions are really just so
awful and so worrying.
So that's why, of course,
we are continuing to work with other UN colleagues to secure their release.
And the High Commissioner is saying again that
they need to be released now immediately.
Not so.
There was one staff member from TW, uh,
held since 2021 or or were there any of the new people who were held who were, uh,
who featured in these in these broadcasts?
you said they were on social media. Were they sent to the UN or
yes, it was. It was the member,
the staff member who'd been held since 2021.
It was posted on X. So that's how it got a wider
viewership, as it were.
So these
are outrageous allegations that have been made against him. They forced him to make
that he was colluding with foreign governments.
These are not only outrageous but dangerous allegations.
All local stuff.
Yes. These are all local stuff.
there is also I mean,
I think you have all seen the call for also immediate release
of all the UN staff held in Yemen by Secretary General Guterres.
We send it to you on 11 June.
So you can also refer to that
where the Secretary General was saying that this is
an alarming development that raises serious concern about the
Houthis commitment to a negotiated solution to the conflict.
The UN condemns all arbitrary detention of civilians.
Grundberg also spoke to the Security Council yesterday. You may have seen
his briefing. It's available online.
Um, if there are no other question Oh, yes, and yes.
I don't know if this is on the same subject or another. Otherwise I start with Jamil.
Yes, this is on on the same subject. Um,
I know that there is an,
uh they they they have launched an investigation saying that, uh,
they they are a part of a group of spying,
but, uh, I was wondering if they are asking, uh,
for anything to the UN to to liberate those people.
Uh, you the the
Yes, if if if they have asked you anything,
as I indicated and also, as Alexander's indicated, the UN my organisation,
other UN organisations are
doing their utmost working behind the scenes.
But I don't have the details,
nor would I go into them about what is actually being discussed.
The only thing I can add is that this
question was asked yesterday to the deputy spokesperson of the
E that said that the UN are in touch with de
facto authorities and are working to secure their release from detention.
For the moment, we don't have progress to report,
it is, uh,
they are working on it, Um,
for the release.
Um, I'm just trying to see if there is OK, so since I see no other question can I go?
It's OK if I go back to
uh, we still have about 10 minutes before we start with, uh, Mrs Brown.
So I'll go to Jamil
for his question on another subject. Jamil?
Yes. Hi, Liz again, Uh,
my question is about the, uh, law that is being, uh, proposed in Brazil,
and it is about to be approved.
Uh uh. Putting, uh, the person that is a victim of a rape
in the same condition as the person, uh,
that committed the the violation if she,
uh decides to have an abortion.
So obviously, it's a incredibly, uh,
situation for the victim.
My question to you. What is your position
on, uh, the victims of rape
or the issue of abortion
and the the
criminalization of, uh, this situation as well. Thank you.
Yes, thanks, Jem.
Well, with regard to what specifically
is happening in Brazil,
we are concerned
that the Chamber of Deputies approved
an urgent procedure for this law
which equates abortion over 22 weeks of pregnancy with homicide.
We're concerned that this urgent procedure avoids discussion
of the draught law on parliamentary commissions.
And that's a necessary step to understand the implications of
this bill and its compliance with international human rights standards.
There's a couple of points.
You will probably know, Jamil,
that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
gave a recommendation to Brazil last month
to decriminalise abortion in all cases and ensure
that women and girls have adequate access
to safe abortion and post abortion services.
Now, with regard to your follow up your additional element of the question about
women being raped but not allowing to have an abortion and all that.
Let's step back and just say
access to safe,
legal and effective abortion is firmly rooted in international human rights law.
And it's absolutely central
to women and girls' autonomy and their ability to make their
own choice about their bodies and lives free of discrimination,
violence and coercion.
So that's our position, basically, on abortion generally.
And we're following what is happening in Brazil. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Uh, um,
at least I see journalists are asking if
then eventually you can send also these notes
this point,
uh, to them.
Uh, John zarro. Costas.
Good morning. Can you hear me there, Liz?
We can We can
Yes. Um,
yeah, it It's a follow up to, uh, the report released yesterday
by the office of the UN Secretary General on, uh, Children and armed conflict.
And I was interested.
What, uh, data your office has independently verifying,
uh, attacks on Children killed or maimed from the major conflicts is that, uh,
you share some data with us concerning Ukraine?
Do you have also a
TR uh, triangulated verified data, Uh,
from your office on all these various conflicts with more details that we can, uh,
dive into,
uh, the report by the Secretary General has a lot of numbers.
Not but but not much detail.
Yes. Thanks, John. Obviously, our colleagues working on the occupied
Palestinian territory
gathering information. Our monitoring, our assessing our gathering data
on various incidents
with regard to an actual breakdown.
I don't have that to hand. I don't think we have that level of disaggregated data,
but clearly going forward.
This is something that our colleagues will be looking at.
Thank you very much. Yes. Uh, Nina,
there is some noise on the line.
Sorry. Uh,
Liz I, I had a question also on, um, on, uh, the Israel Palestine issue. The the
finance minister in Israel is is, uh, taking, uh, Palestinian tax money to use for,
um, victims of, uh, Palestinian attacks.
Uh, and that's,
uh I was just wondering if you have a reaction to
that and sort of how that corresponds with an occupying power,
using money that way. Thank you.
I don't know if we have specific details on that, so I would need to look at,
ask colleagues what information they have, but yes, absolutely.
With regard to occupying powers, they have certain responsibilities.
So without knowing the details behind it, I can't really venture an opinion.
But it does seem that it may not be
appropriate. At the very least,
thank you very much,
thanks to Liz for this extensive briefing and
following up with the notes and the questions
just before we close this part of the briefing. And I see that Mrs Brown has arrived.
We will stop a second between the two so that we can
for technical reasons.
However, I just wanted to tell you two things before we close.
The first one is that unfortunately, this is a terrible, terrible
We are now at the 1000
a day mark of the unacceptable ban on secondary school girls.
Education in Afghanistan.
As you know,
other countries in the world ban girls and
women from receiving education in that way,
and denials of girls' education anywhere is a threat to girls' education anywhere.
And on this matter,
I like to call your attention to the press release that the education cannot wait.
Colleagues have issued
they are starting the second phase of their campaign, called
hashtag Afghan Girls
which lights real life Testimonies of hope,
courage and resilience by Afghan girls denied their right to education.
The press release is available online
and also on a very much more technical housekeeping thing. I'd
like to remind you that Monday the Palais is closed
so we won't be here. However,
in line with the usual
discussions we've had with
you would have access to the Palais.
In general terms, the
Chaman DFA
Gate is open between seven and 11 o'clock on Monday morning.
The rest of the building access are closed, but you can have access the usual way.
Ask Rolando or myself,
but you can get out from
access without problems until
the end of the day.
So this is what I had for you.
Let's make a hard stop here for a moment
while we reorganise for the briefing by Dennis Brown.
Give me one second. Thank you