Mr. Haydar Ali Ahmad - Syrian Arab Republic
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Statements | HRC

HRC56 - Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic


1. Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

2. Haydar Ali Ahmad, Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations Office at Geneva 

3. Mattia Toaldo, Attaché, Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

4.  Burak Akçapar, Permanent Representative of Türkiye to the United Nations Office at Geneva





can I say
thank you, Madam Vice President.
What we have just listened to under the title of oral update on developments of
the human rights situation in the Syrian
Arab Republic does not deserve any comment.
There is no point in going into the details of the work of this commission.
There is no hope that it will
review its methodology and conclusions which contradict
the standards of professional work,
and it is detached from reality.
The group of countries supporting the commission,
which continue to spread its inhuman claims,
will not review their practises either.
As these same countries are still directly participating
in the killing and displacement of the Syrians,
it is needless to remind her
that my government has never recognised this mandate.
Madam Vice President
claims of concern over human rights and the
humanitarian situation cannot be consistent with the continued
blatant exploitation of Nobel causes and using them
irresponsibly to threaten the fates of entire populations.
Achieving the general goal for which
this council was established requires working towards
the optimal use of available tools based on the respect of international law
and the United
Charter to enhance dialogue and international Cooper
on human rights issues,
not by engaging in absurd political show
offs which we have witnessed in each interactive
dialogue with the commission,
or by the continuation of wasting time and resources in meetings.
Aiming to promote human rights allegations to cover up practises of aggression,
occupation, illegal military presence,
supporting separatist militias and terrorist groups.
And granting these groups certificates of good conduct
and promoting illegal structures which constitute
a direct support for these groups.
And an involvement in threatening the
unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian
republic. Not to mention the disregard of the impacts of
which are a direct and comprehensive war against the human
rights and the humanitarian needs of all Syrians and terrorism,
undermining the ways to restore their security, stability and livelihoods.
Madam Vice President The Syrian Arab Republic continues
its efforts to liberate all its territory from terrorism
and to restore security, stability and the rule of law on our territory.
It also continues its constructive Cooper operation with the
United Nations and other partners in order to improve
the humanitarian situation of all Syrians and ensure continued
access to humanitarian aid to civilians in need,
including in areas still under the control of
terrorist groups in the northwest of the country.
In this context,
we stress that contributing to creating the appropriate environment
to encourage the voluntary return of refugees can be
achieved through Cooper operation with the Syrian government and
supporting its efforts in this context and ending the
not through repeating
that do not mean anything to this commission,
not through repeating irresponsible positions and
adhering to wrong policies that prolong the
suffering of the Syrians and hinder
the achievement of solutions in accordance with
international law and UN Charter. The Syrian Arab Republic
Its efforts to strengthen, improve and develop national,
legislative and institutional frameworks related to human rights in accordance
with our international obligations under international human rights law.
To protect respect and fulfil these rights
for all its people without discrimination.
The government is also working on addressing the
gap and submitting a number of overdue
national reports under international human rights treaties.
It calls to consider these efforts through an objective and
impartial lens and to disassociate the relevant discussion from the negative
environment that this commission and its sponsors are trying to
impose on each discussion related to human rights in Syria.
In conclusion,
the Syrian Arab Republic will continue its engagement with all states
that believe in international law
and the UN Charter
to defend
the true
mandate of the Human Rights Council as a platform for dialogue and Cooper operation
based on the principles of impartiality, objectivity
and non
selectivity. Thank you.