Mr. Mattia Toaldo - European Union
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Statements | HRC

HRC56 - Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic


1. Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

2. Haydar Ali Ahmad, Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations Office at Geneva 

3. Mattia Toaldo, Attaché, Permanent Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva

4.  Burak Akçapar, Permanent Representative of Türkiye to the United Nations Office at Geneva





Madam Vice president,
the European Union thanks the Commission of inquiry for its oral update.
We fully support your mandate work and reports
we thank all the participants to the eight Conference
on supporting the future of Syria and the region.
It is imperative to support the Syrian people and their host communities.
We also support the new independent institution on missing persons.
We firmly condemn the violations and abuses of human rights,
including sexual and gender based violence and all violations of
international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict,
especially by the Syrian regime and its allies.
We reiterate our call for continued support to the triple
and to have the situation in Syria referred to the IC C,
we remain committed to a political solution in line with Resolution 2254.
We are concerned about reports of
social and demographic engineering throughout Syria.
The EU reaffirms the need to achieve conditions for safe,
voluntary and dignified returns of Syrian refugees
as defined by UNHCR,
which are still not in place.
Sustained access for humanitarian organisations to alleviate the
suffering of the Syrian people is imperative,
including to places of confinement or detention.
I thank you