UN Human Rights Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani Update on UN Human Rights Office work in Bangladesh
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UN Human Rights Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani Update on UN Human Rights Office work in Bangladesh

STORY: UN Human Rights Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani update on Human Rights team in Bangladesh

TRT: 02:44



  1. Exterior shots : Palais des Nations
  2. SOUNDBITE (English)—Ravina Shamdasani, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): This is just an update on the work of an advance team that was deployed to Dhaka last week from 22-29 August. They meet with student leaders of the recent protests, many of whom have been detained or injured in recent weeks, as well as a wide range of advisors in the Interim Government, the Chief Justice, senior officers of the police and armed forces, lawyers, journalists and human rights defenders, representatives of political parties, as well as minority and indigenous communities.
  3. Cutaway: Briefing room
  4. SOUNDBITE (English)—Ravina Shamdasani, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): The team discussed areas – in which our Office could provide sustained support to the government of Bangladesh including on issues like civic space, the need for truth, justice, healing, reparation and reconciliation, and other human rights approaches to the reform process.
  5. Cutaway: Briefing room
  6. SOUNDBITE (English)—Ravina Shamdasani, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): The High Commissioner also received an official invitation from the Chief Advisor, Muhammad Yunus, to conduct an impartial and independent fact-finding mission into human rights violations committed from 1 July to 15 August. The Office will deploy this fact-finding team to Bangladesh in the coming weeks, with a view to reporting on violations and abuses perpetrated during the protests, analyzing root causes and, and making recommendations to advance justice and accountability and for longer-term reforms. We received commitments from the Interim Government and security forces for full cooperation in our work on this.
  7. Cutaway: Briefing room
  8. SOUNDBITE (English)—Ravina Shamdasani, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): The High Commissioner warmly welcomes the announcement of Bangladesh’s accession to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and the establishment of a five-member national commission of inquiry to determine the whereabouts of individuals forcibly displaced allegedly by law enforcement agencies. It is particularly symbolic that this announcement comes as we mark the international day on enforced disappearances.
  9. Cutaway: Briefing room
  10. SOUNDBITE (English)—Ravina Shamdasani, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): The issue of enforced disappearances has a long and painful history in Bangladesh, on which we have robustly advocated over the years. And we stand ready to support the Commission in its work, which should be of course done in close consultation with victims and their families and in line with international human rights standards.

“This is just an update on the work of an advance team that was deployed to Dhaka last week from 22-29 August. They meet with student leaders of the recent protests, many of whom have been detained or injured in recent weeks, as well as a wide range of advisors in the Interim Government, the Chief Justice, senior officers of the police and armed forces, lawyers, journalists and human rights defenders, representatives of political parties, as well as minority and indigenous communities,” Shamdasani said. 

“The team discussed areas – in which our Office could provide sustained support to the government of Bangladesh including on issues like civic space, the need for truth, justice, healing, reparation and reconciliation, and other human rights approaches to the reform process,” the spokesperson said.

The High Commissioner also received an official invitation from the Chief Advisor, Muhammad Yunus, to conduct an impartial and independent fact-finding mission into human rights violations committed from 1 July to 15 August. The Office will deploy this fact-finding team to Bangladesh in the coming weeks, with a view to reporting on violations and abuses perpetrated during the protests, analyzing root causes and, and making recommendations to advance justice and accountability and for longer-term reforms. We received commitments from the Interim Government and security forces for full cooperation in our work on this ,” she said.

“The High Commissioner warmly welcomes the announcement of Bangladesh’s accession to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and the establishment of a five-member national commission of inquiry to determine the whereabouts of individuals forcibly displaced allegedly by law enforcement agencies. It is particularly symbolic that this announcement comes as we mark the international day on enforced disappearances,” Shamdasani said. 

“The issue of enforced disappearances has a long and painful history in Bangladesh, on which we have robustly advocated over the years. And we stand ready to support the Commission in its work, which should be of course done in close consultation with victims and their families and in line with international human rights standards,” the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added that the UN Human Rights Office looks forward to supporting the Interim Government and people of Bangladesh at this pivotal moment to revitalise democracy, seek accountability and reconciliation, and advance human rights for all the people in Bangladesh. 



This briefing note will be delivered shortly at the UN press briefing in Geneva.


For more information and media requests, please contact: 

In Geneva

Ravina Shamdasani - + 41 22 917 9169 / ravina.shamdasani@un.org or 

Thameen Al-Kheetan - + 41 76 223 77 62 / thameen.alkheetan@un.org

Seif Magango - +254 788 343 897 / seif.magango@un.org

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Thank you. Uh, Nick, over to you.
Uh, so this is just an update on the work of our advanced team.
Uh, that was deployed to DCA
last week from the 22nd to the 29th of August.
They met with student leaders of the recent protests,
many of whom have been detained or injured in recent weeks,
as well as a wide range of advisers in the interim government, the chief justice,
senior officers of the police and armed forces, lawyers, journalists,
human rights defenders, representatives of political parties,
as well as minority and
Issue of enforced disappearances has a long and very painful team discussed, uh,
areas in which our office could provide sustained support, uh,
to the interim government and the people of Bangladesh,
Um, including on issues like civic space, the need for truth, justice, healing,
reparation and reconciliation,
and other human rights approaches to the reform process.
The High Commissioner has also received an official
which we have robustly advocated over the years.
And we
the High Commissioner has also received an
official invitation from the chief adviser,
Mohammad Yunus,
to conduct an impartial and independent fact
finding mission into human rights violations.
committed from the first of July to the 15th of August.
The office will deploy this fact finding mission to Bangladesh in the coming weeks
with a view to reporting on the
violations and abuses perpetrated during the protests,
analysing the root causes and making recommendations to
advance justice and accountability for longer term reforms.
We received commitments from the interim government and security
forces for full Cooper operation in our work on this
to seek accountability and reconciliation.
The High Commissioner also warmly welcomes
the announcement of Bangladesh's accession to
the International Convention for the Protection
of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
and the establishment of a five member national commission of
inquiry to determine the whereabouts of individuals who are forcibly displaced
allegedly by law enforcement agencies.
It is particularly symbolic that this announcement comes as
we mark the International Day on Enforced Disappearances,
the issues
of Palestinians as well, and when these violations,
the issue of enforced disappearances has a long
and very painful history in Bangladesh on which we
have robustly advocated over the years and we stand
ready to support the commission in its work,
which should be of course,
done in close consultation with victims and their
families and in line with international human rights standards
academics, journalists,
civil society actors who have been arrested and charged with.