HRC - Press Conference: President of the Human Rights Council ahead of 57th session
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HRC - Press Conference: President of the Human Rights Council ahead of 57th session


President of the Human Rights Council, Ambassador Omar Zniber, on the 57th session of the Human Rights Council due to start on 9 September  until 11 October 2024.
HRC 57th session (9 September to 11 October 2024) 

and welcome to this press conference with Ambassador Omar
the president of the UN Human Rights Council,
who will tell you more about the upcoming 57
regular session of the council starting this coming Monday.
It's a busy session with full five weeks of meetings over
50 thematic issues over 50 country situations to be discussed.
It will have.
This will be the third and the last regular session that Ambassador Snel
will preside over this year, as you know,
before he will report to the General Assembly in New York next month.
in addition to the programme of work and all
the events that will take place during this session,
I think
ambassadors NBER
will see this opportunity also to
present how the priorities that he lay out at the beginning of his presidency
have evolved, and especially
after the last presidential high level discussion that he held yesterday
on the impact of new technology, artificial intelligence
on the human rights of all.
But without further ado, I'll give the floor to ambassador sneer.
Thank you
Pascal, for you and for all your team. Having prepared this
important gathering with the representative of the press here in Geneva.
I'm so happy to be with you this afternoon
as said by Mr Pascal
to present to you an overview about the next session
of the council. Also some elements about the activities of the presidency
and of course, also to answer your own question on any matter you would like to
raise this afternoon.
As far as the next session is concerned, it will be, as said,
an intensive one for five weeks.
It will be
by some high level panels which is according
to the mandatory decisions taken by the Council
on the question, particularly on strengthening
the integration of gender
parity gender approach in the work of the council.
The question related also to
the rights of indigenous people.
Other issues also like education Child
will be discussed in some of these high level panels
and also
panel I would like to stress that on the right of development, you know that
is an important
issue discussed within the council,
and we do hope
that this panel could help the membership
to advance in such an important issue.
While it is also discussed thoroughly in New York
in preparing the summit of the future and the outcome of this summit,
I mean the
the pact of the future.
We will have, as usual,
also an interactive dialogues with mandate holders, working groups
with the High Commissioner himself.
And by the way, the council, of course, will hear
from next Tuesday
next Monday.
Uh, the general report of the High Commissioner. I'm pretty sure he will give
you know,
pan about the situation of human rights worldwide.
We will have
to deal as usual with the decisions,
the resolutions which have already been presented
in their
titles, at least during the organisational meeting
which took place on 26th of August.
And during this organisational meeting, it was clear, you know, that
many initiatives, even some new initiatives have been presented
and that we will have an important issue
on country situations on thematic situations
to discuss again during this session.
We will have also the
responsibility to
nominate some new mandate holders.
I have already made my proposals to the membership concerning two of them
waiting that the process concerning to others be accomplished before
precising my own choices to the
to the council, which then will have to decide on that.
As far as the activities of the presidency,
I am also very happy to share with you some of the highlights
where, as you may know, as I precise it during the past
I met with you.
Uh, since the beginning, I have, uh,
nominated 17 co facilitators working on various tracks.
the question of the review of the mandate of the council,
its touch
is discussed.
We know that it is upon the General
Assembly to take a decision according to the resolutions
to the resolution adopted on this issue
before 2026. But it seems to me as president of the council, and I am joined by
numerous members of the council that Geneva has to discuss
because it is the workplace for human rights for the United Nations.
And it has,
and particularly concerning the future of the council itself,
the membership here with all other stakeholders. Civil society observers
are, in my view, completely competent to discuss this issue
the question of rationalisation and efficiency of the council, you know that we are
this past month and since a while,
huge difficulties, financial difficulties,
the United nations crossing severe liquidity crisis.
So it
is a new argument for us to progress in our discussions
in the rationalisation and efficiency of the council.
Other tracks are of utmost importance, the one of gender parity gender equity.
We will announce during this session the
establishment of an advisory board on gender approach
for the first time
with a very significant composition of leaders of international organisations,
ambassadors, representatives of civil society.
Of course, in partnership with the
A focal point dealing with this issue and UN women
and we are in touch with the headquarters of women and
women in New York and also their office here in Geneva
and we will make this announcement hopefully before the end of this month,
the question of accessibility
Also, I hope that we will
gesture it
more better
in any way relatively better
by creating a platform
and creating some progressing norms, facilitating the accessibility in
the work of the Council for Persons with Disabilities,
and more widely taking care about this issue which is at
the heart of human rights enjoyment.
Likewise, the other tracks just
to nominate them the question of
in strengthening the U
processes you know that
an exercise which is
widely accepted, and I
positively asess But we still have to do more
to make the council
more credible in its work and the country
members of the council and all the international Committee
satisfied with such exercise, this peer review exercise
the issues of, uh,
giving more possibilities and, uh
uh, more inclusivity for
for countries
less developed countries Uh uh I mean, uh, small island countries also
these are all issues of utmost importance for all of us.
And we are,
of course,
trying to advance at the best
new technologies. As said by Mr Pascal.
Question of artificial intelligence.
You may have heard about this,
Really? I mean,
would say without hesitating
unprecedented session we had yesterday as a presidential
consultations and formal one,
but a
very significant gathering. I invited
the leadership
of the main international organisations involved in the
governance of
artificial intelligence worldwide. So we had the leaders of IO
of it
also some leaders from the private sector, the vice president of Amazon,
many academics, but particularly what was what was
What is also to underline
is the intensive part
of the membership in such a dialogue.
Do with the aim,
you know, to have the balanced approach
on opportunities offered by these technologies, but also to face challenges.
I won't enter into detail. I am here,
of course, to answer your questions, if any, on this matter.
what is for me
in my current responsibilities
essential is that the Human Rights Council be at the heart of this governance,
the global governance of artificial intelligence worldwide
because it is completely linked with the enjoyment of human rights.
We did the same. You may remember
last June on the question of
the impact of climate change on food security and
health security.
So the presidency
has presented this
main thematics
as major one and priorities for itself
and what I can. I am very satisfied to tell you this afternoon,
humbly and modestly that we are
advancing in such It is not easy.
It's always, of course, the purpose of a lot of discussions.
But the presidency has been met
enthusiastic participation by the membership and by other stakeholders
whom I invited to join us in this exercise.
These were the main element,
Mr Pascal
dear Attendance I wanted to share with you as a, uh,
an introduction for our dialogue this afternoon.
And then I give you back the floor. Mr Pascal.
Thank you, Ambassador Sniber.
So let's go on. What's on your mind? We're ready to take questions from the room.
Uh, Nina
Larson from
Uh, thank you for taking my question.
Um, first of all,
I was wondering if you could say a little bit more about
the liquidity crisis that you mentioned and how that's impacting the various.
Um, uh, the various bodies and, uh, special repertoire mandates, um,
and how concerned you are about that.
Uh, and also,
I was wondering if you could say something if there's anything planned.
Um, I know there's nothing specific on the agenda about Gaza or Israel this time,
but, uh, for the October 7th anniversary within the council.
Thank you very much, madam, For your question,
could I answer in France while you are representing a
The reflection.
The sit
and port?
you can
repetition the resolution.
the the
Uh, you
Christian Ri
DP, a German news agency and then Paula
Can you explain to us how remote participation
is going to help in the liquidity crisis?
Or maybe I misunderstood when you made that link.
And the other question is, what exactly is the advisory board on gender approach?
Is this about gender? Um, within the council? Or is this
looking beyond the council? Maybe you can explain a little bit. Thank you.
when it comes to the question of the
remote participation and the crisis of liquidity,
management of the United Nations in charge
in New York
To provide liquidity for such activities,
you need
a decision by the General Assembly a mandate by the General Assembly.
There is this liquidity crisis, of course,
but even even and it is important to draw your attention on
if the money is there, we need this mandate of the General Assembly
because it has been decided to use it provisionally
during the covid crisis.
Now it is a matter of making it on a permanent basis
for such purpose.
We need this decision of the General Assembly according to the
rules and
the legal rules which are applicable for the work of the
General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies like the Human Rights Council.
So this is the discussion
going on now in New York.
So this is the first aspect. I mean, your first question.
You need to go more on this question. Sorry, I didn't quite understand.
So you are saying you need more money
to make remote participation possible or is remote participation
reducing cost?
No. No remote participation is not.
I am not a technician. In my view. It needs costs.
It needs, of course, but at the same time it needs,
it needs costs.
we need a decision to be taken by the membership
all the membership of the United Nations,
because the money provided to the Secretariat here in New York
or to the Human Rights Council comes from New York.
And there are
special committees
which take decisions concerning these issues.
The fifth Committee, particularly, but also
the Secretariat
in their management.
They have
the necessity to be backed by a decision by the General Assembly
because it is
something touching the rules,
the rules of the United Nations as such.
So this decision is to be taken in New York
and it is still under discussion. As I said
for for your second question, yes. I mean,
the idea of establishing this advisory body under
the responsibility of the President of the Council
make the best co ordination possible
the council itself but also
all the ecosystem
of international organisations in Geneva
to make you know, to share
the best practises,
enhancing the gender approach,
to consult on which way we have to work to make the parity a
full reality as soon as possible. The parity in
the hierarchies of the international organisation
in the leadership in the decision making
at all levels.
This is
one of the main objectives
of this advisory board.
Why are we trying to launch it? And we will do it.
Of course, as I announced it, I mean this month in September,
there is a parallel exercise going on in New York,
but I mean
it is we will create this here, this one here in Geneva, to
to also strengthen the coordinating between New York and Geneva on such issues.
And as I said,
our main partner
is the U Woman and I visited.
By the way, the executive secretary of young women in New York.
I am in touch with them here.
we are proposing that
such advisory body be a flexible instrument
without bureaucracy,
can be a force of proposition,
a force of suggestion
and with the analysis
and to be backed by experts and also by
the Secretariat of the Office of the High Commissioner and
all those who and its composition
is plural
We will have, as I said, the leadership of the international organisation,
some important figures of the ambassadors strongly involved in
the question of gender approach here in Geneva.
Representatives of civil society of an intergovernmental organisations
all in all about 2020 eminent personality
who will help the president of the Human Rights Council in its Endeavour also
to strengthen
inclusion of gender approach
within the Council within the management,
but also within the activities
as a main subject, of course.
And as we observe the situation in the world, we are far from
having this gender parity gender equity.
What is important is that the Human Rights Council be at the forefront of such
such efforts,
and this is why, as president,
I am favouring this initiative
and I am of course, supervising it, and I am completely involved in it.
It will be, hopefully an important instrument for the Geneva ecosystem,
but also an exemplary instrument.
This is also the main purpose of the rest of the
activities of multilateralism. And more widely,
why not
to be, as I said, a
suggestive force for the all stakeholders,
among which countries who can learn who can draw, you
know, elements
to be applied in their own countries for this fundamental
follow up question.
Sorry, very quick. One. When you say gender, is this about women's rights?
Or is it about
women's rights and LGBT Q?
Because that has been a contentious issue in the Human Rights Council? Right?
Thank you for this decision. It's about women's rights when we say gender parity.
I mean, it's about women's rights.
The other issues, of course, they are also, you know, discussed within the council.
for us, it's about women's rights.
It's about
equal rights between,
you know, women and men.
vis Geneva solution.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So, um, I just wanted to to ask you a little more. You You, um
you had mentioned that you would be reporting, uh, to the UN. Uh, um,
General Assembly on,
uh, your report, your annual report and that, uh, you said that,
uh, in hope that this would contribute to the summit of the future. Can you,
uh, detail a little bit?
How you how this will contribute to the sum of the future,
Especially at a time when I think a lot of people are asking
the question of how effective the council actually is.
No, I need I need to. I mean, of course, make a clarification.
The summit of the future will take place on,
as you know, of course, 22nd and 23rd of September.
My presentation of the report to General Assembly will be at the end of October.
What did I do for the summit of the future
I shared?
I organised these presidential discussions
on the question of the trilogy
climate change, food security
and health security.
And I was, of course before
in full touch with the president of the General Assembly,
who visited us here in February.
I visited him
in April in New York. I gathered with his teams. We have been visited by the
co facilitators of the summit.
They came here to Geneva for consulting not only the president of the Council,
but you know
the wide range of those involved in the preparation of the summit.
After this presidential discussion which took place last June,
I shared with the president of the General Assembly
its outcome
from my own point of view,
making proposals, written proposals to be embodied in the
Declaration of the future. On on my respon
upon my own responsibility as president of the council, I did the same
for the one called
Artificial Intelligence.
As I told you, the co facilitators presented a very important report mid July
precisely the 16th of July.
I shared this again with the president of the General Assembly
with the under Secretary general in charge of preparing the digital compact.
You know that it is a main issue also,
hopefully to be, uh,
successfully achieved within the summit of the future in a few time.
the human rights of Council, the Human Rights Council,
through its president already you know,
came with some proposals, concrete proposals, ideas
and I do hope that these proposals and these ideas, and according to from what I know,
some of them are already embodied in the
ongoing text still under negotiations in New York.
So we did it. So this is of course,
and that was an important issue I had to deal to deal with.
And I do hope particularly that the question the question like this
it goes without seeing
climate change. And I'm pretty sure for the
for the future generation, the use of new technologies. All these issues will be
very seriously,
included in the declaration of the future
what is very important, a clear engagement from all by consensus,
but also a clear engagement for them all to work more hard
on these issues,
as it has been demonstrated during our
discussion yesterday on the question of artificial intelligence
up question.
So would you say that it's really the issue of tech governance that is perhaps
to everything else that the Secretary General has
already presented in terms of the agenda going forward?
Dear madam, I'm sending your question. At least
we will have, uh, present
the Geneva perspective.
This is this is our our man.
We cannot jump on what is
is discussed by the membership in New York. But Geneva perspective is important.
As I told you, we have here, for example, the main international organisation
working on some specific issues on this question of new technologies,
and the council
itself had dealt,
dealt with these issues even before. We have some resolutions
on the question of new technologies that impact on the enjoyment of human rights.
I think it was important. And when the Secretary General came here,
you may remember at the opening of the
Session of February,
we spoke about that. He himself insisted on that
I visited him also. I spoke with him on that,
he of course, it is up to the member states to the governments to decide.
But I know how much I mean and he's
more than strongly engaged, you know,
so that the
credibility of the organisation be maintained
and by meeting
her duties
and her responsibilities
towards the next generations.
Thank you, Ambassador. Do we have more questions from the room?
Any questions from journalists participating online?
OK, Ambassador,
Is there anything else you would like to say before we close this press conference.
Thank you very much.
I thank
you very much for the interest you are
deserving to
the Human Rights Council to the activities of the Human Rights Council
as president. What I can say is that I do consider that is
major tool
the end of the international Committee should be always
supported in its
activities. In its endeavours, we are crossing some
difficult times. It goes without saying I mean on all fronts.
But nevertheless,
nevertheless, we have many things which can unite us.
And when I say I see it, I am convinced on it, particularly the issues.
I just referred to some thematic issues and also
when dealing even
with difficult issues,
the door of the dialogue should be always maintained.
allow me to say that I mean, your role of the journalist is fundamental,
you know,
because, uh, the Human Rights Council is is observed,
uh, worldwide.
You may know that, uh, its activities sometimes are are followed by,
uh uh uh I mean online
more than two or 3 million
attendants sometimes.
So it is important. And the subjects which are dealt with always are fundamental
the media also echoing that
facing also the responsibility of
giving the just and information
the just facts is fundamental
and it is very helpful for our activities.
I thank you so much
and wish you a
nice end of the afternoon.
Thank you, Ambassador. Sneer
and thank you all just to remind you that on Friday morning at 9. 15
you will hear from this room from the experts of
the fact finding mission for the Sudan who will present
as our first report to the Human Rights Council next week. So
we'll see you on Monday in room 20. Thank you.