UN Geneva Press Briefing - 11 October 2024
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Press Conferences | UNHCR , OHCHR , WHO , UNICEF , OCHA , UNCTAD

UN Geneva Press Briefing - 11 October 2024


11 October 2024

Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) in Geneva, chaired the hybrid briefing, which was attended by spokespersons and representatives from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, and United Nations Trade and Development.

Decade of Action against Statelessness

Ruvendrini Menikdiwela, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), said UNHCR was releasing a very important report to mark a decade of action to prevent statelessness. UNHCR was mandated to prevent and end statelessness. Ten years ago, the then High Commissioner António Guterres initiated the I Belong campaign, which aimed to mobilise governments to pay global attention to this issue and to try and bring an end to this devastating problem.

Ten years on, UNHCR had not succeeded in eliminating statelessness, a serious human rights violation. Everybody has a fundamental human right to nationality, and to be arbitrarily deprived of their nationality.

Most stateless people lived on the margins of society. They tended to be stripped of all the legal rights and protections that stemmed from citizenship, which make them even more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Many of the things that we took for granted, such as renting an apartment, sending our kids to school and accessing medical care were insurmountable challenges for stateless people.

Statelessness was a solvable issue. All it took was political will to enact change by introducing laws and regulations addressing the gaps that led to statelessness. All it took sometimes was a stroke of a pen.

The report showed progress that had been made. Since the start of the campaign, over half a million stateless people had acquired citizenship. Kyrgyzstan had resolved every known stateless case on their territory, and Turkmenistan was on track to do the same. Kenya had provided citizenship to ethnic minorities on its territories. Liberia, Madagascar and Sierra Leone had introduced legislation that allowed women to pass nationalities on to their children and over 20 countries had introduced national plans of action to end statelessness.

However, last year some 4.4 million stateless people were registered. This data covered only half of the 193 Member States, so the real numbers were likely significantly higher. Another sobering statistic was that 1.3 million stateless people were forcibly displaced as well. This related principally to the Rohingya ethnic minority from Myanmar. There were over a million Rohingya refugees principally in Bangladesh, but also in other asylum countries in the Asia Pacific region; and hundreds and thousands of Rohingya were displaced internally within Myanmar because of the conflict.

To mark the closure of the “I Belong” campaign, UNHCR would be convening a high-level event next Monday during its annual Executive Committee (ExCom) sessions. Around 100 Governments and over 50 representatives of international organizations and civil society would attend to commemorate the achievements of the campaign.

This event would also serve to launch the Global Alliance to End Statelessness. This is an alliance that included Member States, the private sector, stateless people themselves and the organizations that they represented, academia, faith-based groups, and other United Nations agencies. These stakeholders would be working together with the principal objective of maintaining the momentum and building on the achievements already generated by the I Belong campaign. The aim of the initiative was for every single person to obtain citizenship and a legal identity. This was a very easily implementable objective if there was political will to do it.

Ms. Menikdiwela also announced that on Monday, a ceremony would be held to honour this year’s Nansen Award winners.

Dipti Gurang, longtime Nepalese statelessness campaigner and Nansen Asia award winner, said that she had a deeply personal dedication to ending statelessness. She faced a long and painful struggle to secure citizenship for her daughters and husband. He was able to receive his citizenship at the age of 45 after decades of hardship because of gender discriminatory citizenship laws. These challenges drove Ms. Gurang to advocate for the rights of all mothers seeking to pass on their nationality to their children.

Ms. Gurang recounted the story of a girl who was orphaned at the young age and raised by her grandmother, who fought for over ten years to secure her citizenship. Despite her success, many other youth continued to face this issue, depriving them of education, employment, and basic rights. Without citizenship, they became vulnerable to human trafficking, exploitation, illegal activities and drug abuse. Tragically, some had even taken their own lives. These young people could have been contributing to Nepal's development but were instead left marginalised. For a developing country like Nepal, this loss of human potential was catastrophic.

Gender discriminatory citizenship law was not just a legal issue. It was a human rights crisis, denying citizenship strips individuals of dignity and opportunity. This issue was often overshadowed by political narrative, but it was fundamentally about justice and equality. Every child deserved the right to belong, regardless of whether their nationality came from their mother or father.

Ms. Gurang said her organisation was working to change this reality. One of its key initiatives, the Safe Haven project, provided employment to people impacted by citizenship laws, enabling them to earn a dignified living and helping fund our broader advocacy efforts. This initiative demonstrated that stateless people were not threats but valuable contributors to society. Ms. Gurang thanked various non-governmental organizations and UNHCR for their support, which made her organisation’s efforts possible.

Despite these efforts, the fight against statelessness remained underfunded globally. We could achieve so much more if this issue received the financial help and political will it truly deserved. Ms. Gurang urged the global community and the Nepalese Government to view statelessness or people without citizenship through a lens of humanity and inclusion.

We needed to enact reforms that ensured that no child was left stateless and no mother was denied the right to pass on her nationality. Together, we could build a future where every child in Nepal and around the world was given the chance to participate fully in society and contribute to their communities.

Matthew Saltmarsh for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said UNHCR had sent a press release announcing the launch of the I Belong report and a media advisory on the events scheduled for the upcoming Executive Committee next week, containing details on media access and broadcast opportunities. After the high-level event on statelessness, the Nansen Award ceremony would be held on Monday evening, to which media could gain access if they contacted UNHCR's press office. Throughout the rest of the week, there would be a number of sessions held in the Palais des Nations, including, the ExCom general debates, as well as individual sessions on the situation in the Middle East and in Sudan, climate change, the Cartagena Process, and several other topics.

In response to questions, Ms. Menikdiwela said there were international human rights instruments that specified that the right to nationality was a fundamental human right that needed to be respected.

UNHCR was lobbying with governments in the region to try to persuade the authorities in Myanmar to grant citizenship and protection to the Rohingya. It was also working with civil society and the private sector to mobilise public opinion and to convince government to grant citizenship to stateless persons on their territory. Stateless persons contributed to the societies where they lived, including by paying taxes.

Update on Conflict in the Middle East

Ravina Shamdasani for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said the situation for civilians on the ground in Lebanon, Gaza, Israel and Syria was getting worse by the day. The densely populated capital Beirut was increasingly being hit by Israeli air strikes. Hundreds were dead, and over a million people had fled their homes throughout the country. Hezbollah and other armed groups continued to fire rockets into Israel, resulting in the first civilian fatalities in the north since the most recent escalation of hostilities between Israel and Lebanon last month.

Just last night, Beirut was bombed again, in the heaviest strike yet on the central part of the city. At least 22 people were killed, and over 100 injured, according to the Ministry of Public Health.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, reminded all parties of their obligation to adhere to international humanitarian law, or the rules of war, with respect to the protection of civilians, civilian objects and infrastructure. Any alleged violations needed to be subjected to a prompt and thorough investigation, and those responsible where violations were found to have taken place needed to be held to account.

The Lebanese people were bearing the brunt of this latest phase of conflict. The Ministry of Public Health said almost 400 children and women were among over 2,000 people killed since October 2023. There were recurring reports of essential civilian infrastructure having been struck, including hospitals, clinics, ambulances and schools – along with destruction of housing. In all, over 100 medical and emergency workers had been killed across Lebanon since October last year.

Many of those displaced had fled to Syria. From 23 September to 9 October, it had been reported that over 310,000 Syrians and nearly 110,000 Lebanese citizens had crossed the border.

On 9 and 10 October, Hezbollah said it had launched at least 360 missiles from southern Lebanon into Israel. Two people were killed in a rocket attack on the border town of Kiryat Shmona on 9 October, a day after five others were injured in a rocket attack on Haifa.

Amidst this escalating violence, OHCHR was appalled by sweeping inflammatory language on multiple sides. Recent language threatening Lebanese people as a whole and calling on them to either rise up against Hezbollah or face destruction like Gaza, risked being understood as encouraging or accepting violence directed against civilians and civilian objects, in violation of international law. Ongoing denigration of the United Nations, in particular United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), was unacceptable. This kind of toxic rhetoric, from any source, needed to stop.

It was important that we also kept the spotlight on the frightful human suffering continuing in Gaza. Over the last week, the Israeli military had intensified operations in North Gaza, further severing the area from the rest of the Gaza Strip and risking afresh the lives of civilians in the area. Intense strikes, shelling, quadcopter shootings and ground incursions had occurred over the past few days, hitting residential buildings and groups of people, causing numerous casualties and – once again - mass displacement of Palestinians in the area.

Attacks on hospitals also continued. One strike on Al-Yaman Al-Saeed Hospital, serving as a shelter for internally displaced persons, in Jabalya Camp, killed 17 Palestinians, including children and women. On 9 October, the Israeli military ordered the evacuation within 24 hours of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya – the largest operating hospital in North Gaza – impacting hundreds of injured, other patients, and medical workers as well as residents that relied on the hospital.

Meanwhile, in other parts of Gaza, a strike on Rufaydah School sheltering internally displaced persons west of Deir Al-Balah on 10 October, reportedly killed 28 Palestinians, including children and women, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. OHCHR had recorded at least 14 schools struck this October alone – at a rate of more than one school a day.

While the Israeli military continued to order Palestinians in North Gaza to leave, many were trapped and could not safely move. The Office of the High Commissioner had received reports that those most vulnerable, including people with disabilities and their families, were especially struggling to evacuate.

The High Commissioner said now -- more than ever -- political courage, leadership and compassion were needed. The killing, destruction, as well as bellicose posturing by those in positions of power, needed to end. There was no alternative for resolution of this conflict than the negotiating table. Widening conflict and progressive escalation put the lives and wellbeing of potentially millions of people across the region at risk.

In response to questions, Ms. Shamdasani said that on 9 October, the Israeli Air Force reportedly hit the Civil Defence Centre of the Islamic Health Organization in Wadi Jilou, killing two paramedics and wounding others. On the same day, at least five rescue workers were reportedly killed when a strike hit their Civil Defence Centre in Derdghaiya. Previous to that, on 5 October, the Ministry of Public Health reported that 96 primary healthcare centres and clinics had been closed. There were several reports also of airstrikes targeting other medical centres and of paramedics as well as firefighters being killed.

OHCHR had a regional office based in Beirut. Staff in Lebanon were doing what they could to report to the Office. They had been covering the situation in Gaza for the last year but were now being personally affected, seeing strikes and bombing take place close to where they were. It was a tiring and terrifying situation. Some colleagues had left while other had remained. Work to verify whether casualties were civilians were ongoing but any figures that could be released currently would be serious underestimates of the actual situation.

Israel had a responsibility to protect United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) peacekeepers so that they were able to carry out the work that they had been mandated to do by the United Nations. Recent statements implying that their safety could not be guaranteed were unfortunate. All parties had obligations to ensure the safety and security of the United Nations personnel and property and respect the inviolability of United Nations premises at all times.

There had been several attacks against journalists and raids of journalistic offices in the context of this conflict. This was unacceptable. With the spread of propaganda and misinformation, the work of journalists was more important than ever, but there had been almost unprecedented levels of attacks against journalists. All such threats, attacks and violence against journalists needed to be thoroughly investigated.

It was difficult to describe the impact that this conflict had on civilians. The reverberations of the conflict would continue for generations in the Middle East. Children had been out of school for so long, had had their limbs amputated and would live with lifelong injuries and trauma. The impunity that marked this conflict would continue to feed cycles of revenge and injustice. The international community had been speaking in one voice about the need for a ceasefire, for the release of the hostages, and for a return to some kind of peace. Every military escalation took us further away from that. The disregard for international law that had been demonstrated in the course of this conflict was horrifying. Respect for humanitarian law was crucial for peace, security and human rights in the region and beyond.

Humanitarian law required that warring parties give effective warning of an impending attack and that attacks needed to be carried out with respect for the principles of proportionality and protection of civilians. A number of incidents in the past few weeks raised concerns of violations of humanitarian law.

Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) in Geneva, said that there was an extensive briefing yesterday by Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, and Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, who spoke at length about the situation in Lebanon. UNIFIL had also issued a statement that spoke about the two peacekeepers who were injured after an attack. UNIFIL were working in very difficult situation but were fulfilling their mandate and would continue to do so as long as they could.

Situation of Hospitals in Gaza

Rik Peeperkorn, Representative for the occupied Palestinian territory, World Health Organization (WHO), said WHO remained gravely concerned about safety of patients and health workers amid intensified hostilities and current evacuation orders covering Kamal Adwan, Al-Awda and Indonesian hospitals in northern Gaza. It appealed for every possible measure to be taken to protect civilians and health care, including patients, health workers, hospitals and ambulances. Healthcare should never be a target.

WHO was requested by the Ministry of Health on 7 October to support the evacuation of critical non-walking patients from these hospitals. It immediately planned missions.

A mission to Kamal-Adwan planned to transfer critical, non-walking patients to Al-Shifa, Al-Ahti and As-Sahabah hospitals. The mission, which was incredibly complex and time consuming, was planned by WHO with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Palestine Red Crescent Society, and ready by 8 October. However, the mission was impeded on 8, 9 and 10 October after delays at the checkpoint.

Another mission to resupply As-Sahabah hospital with fuel and blood units and medical supplies was denied on 9 October and impeded on 10 October. WHO was now planning with the team in Gaza to conduct this mission to transfer this critical non-walking patients either tomorrow or on Sunday, but it needed to be properly facilitated.

As of yesterday, it was estimated that there were 19 patients in Kamal Adwan, 41 patients in Al Awda Hospital, and 28 patients in Indonesian Hospital. Kamal Adwan and Al-Awda remained partially functional but were struggling due to a shortage of supplies, including blood, trauma disposables and medications for patients with non-communicable diseases and fuel. As per latest reports, Indonesian Hospital was no longer able to provide services and accommodate patients.

Kamal Adwan, Al-Awda and Indonesian hospitals were the only three hospitals that remained partly functional in north Gaza, which also lacked any functional primary health care clinics. Many other hospitals in the north were now running out of fuel, and most United Nations and humanitarian missions were not happening to the north. Hospitals were running out of fuel, specifically medical supplies, one year into this crisis.

WHO requested again for humanitarian corridors to be opened to ensure that these missions could continue.

In response to questions, Dr. Peeperkorn said WHO was organising missions on request from hospital directors, the Ministry of Health and other international organisations. When there was fighting close to hospitals, humanitarian supplies could not be delivered and hospitals started to run out of fuel and supplies. Many internally displaced persons were sheltering close to hospitals. WHO was ready, assessing the situation in hope that it could conduct its missions as quickly as possible. Dr. Peeperkorn had confidence in the teams and partners on the ground.

There were 61 health facilities in Gaza, including 20 in the north. WHO was concerned that many hospitals were within evacuation zones. All these hospitals were short on fuels and supplies. Missions needed to go on. It was unacceptable that WHO struggled with routine humanitarian missions. WHO hoped and expected that hospitals in Gaza would continue functioning. Hospitals should never be a target.

Christian Lindmeier for the World Health Organization (WHO) said that since 8 October 2023, 34 attacks on health had been verified by WHO in Lebanon, which resulted in 94 deaths and 74 injuries alone. The number of displaced people had increased and the population was left with limited access to emergency and trauma care, as well as access to essential health services, including routine vaccination, child and maternal health care, cancer treatments and dialysis. There was thus a much higher risk of disease outbreak, such as acute watery diarrhoea, hepatitis A and a number of preventable diseases.

Since 17 September this year, 18 attacks on healthcare had been recorded, leaving behind 72 deaths and 40 injuries among health staff. Health facilities had also been impacted. Ninety-six primary healthcare centres and health facilities were forced to close in the south due to rising hostilities. Five hospitals were reported non-functional due to physical or infrastructural damage and four hospitals were partially evacuated and required the transfer of patients.

Polio Vaccination Campaign in Gaza

Rik Peeperkorn, Representative for the occupied Palestinian territory, World Health Organization (WHO), said the second round of an emergency polio vaccination campaign was scheduled to start on Monday, 14 October 2024 in Gaza, to vaccinate an estimated 591,700 children under ten years of age with a second dose of the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) vaccine. This was organised by the Ministry of Health, together with WHO, the United Nations Children's Fund and many partners.

The second round would have three phases focusing on three zones, each involving three campaign days and one catch-up day when needed. Hundreds of fixed and mobile teams would be deployed as well as community engagement and awareness raising conducted prior and during the campaign. Local teams would be deployed in areas that needed special coordination to reach children, including those who could not receive the vaccine in the first round. It was critical that they were reached.

A humanitarian pause would be a pre-requisite to implementing a successful second round, particularly to ensure that all polio workers could operate in a safe and secure environment, and communities and families could obtain vaccination for children without fear.

WHO renewed its urgent request to all parties to the conflict to implement the necessary humanitarian pause in Gaza for this second round. This was particularly critical as new evacuation orders in the north of Gaza were threatening access to hospitals and protection of health facilities and health and community workers. Vaccination teams needed to be protected and allowed to conduct the campaigns safely.

WHO appreciated the commitment to specific humanitarian pauses for polio vaccinations, but functional humanitarian corridors needed to be established to facilitate other vital aid activities.

Jean Gough, Special Representative in the State of Palestine, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), emphasised the logistical challenges that the polio vaccination campaign represented. The first round successfully rolled out in September presented humanitarian workers with overwhelming difficulties, including operating amid devastated infrastructure.

For example, 75 per cent of the pre-existing cold chain, critical for any immunisation campaign, was destroyed over the last year as war ravaged the entire Strip. In order to solve the problem, in addition to the 1.6 million doses of vaccines, UNICEF had to bring in refrigerators, freezers, ice boxes and vaccine carriers -- all equipment required to maintain the stocks at a temperature between 2 and 8°C.

Another important challenge had been the endless population movements. In the north of the Gaza Strip, several displacement orders had been issued, affecting thousands of children.

It was critical that not only the localised humanitarian pauses were respected in the north, but also that people were not forced to move from one area to the other. This would be essential for UNICEF to be able to vaccinate at least 90 per cent of children under the age of 10 among the population in the north.

During this second round, UNICEF would also take the opportunity to administer vitamin A to the children, which helped to reinforce their immune system. It was a simple measure but critical to support the health of thousands of children who were living in extremely dire hygiene and sanitation conditions.

Making sure that families were properly informed about this second round of vaccination was also a very important element. More than 800 social mobilisers would reach out to families to raise awareness on the importance of taking the second dose as well as on the dates and locations.

As was done in the first round, UNICEF would also broadcast radio spots, share SMSs and use all digital channels available in Gaza to amplify these messages. This outreach would continue until the second round concluded. Once again, local teams would be deployed in areas that needed special coordination to reach children, including those that could not receive the vaccine in the first round.  

Ms. Gough reiterated the importance of localised humanitarian pauses as a pre-requisite for a successful second round of this campaign. It was impossible for the campaign to succeed in an active combat zone. All polio workers needed to be able to operate in a safe and secure environment, and all parents needed to be able to bring their children without fear. UNICEF called on all parties to respect this.

The first round of the polio campaign had shown to the world that when everyone lined up, it was possible to bring critical aid to children in Gaza, including to the north. It was crucial that this happened again not only with the second round of polio vaccines but also for other aid activities for the children in the Gaza Strip.

In response to questions, Dr. Peeperkorn said WHO called on all parties to adhere to humanitarian pauses. WHO was conducting daily meetings with partners to discuss how to improve the campaign and was confident that it would succeed.

Ms. Gough said UNICEF was concerned by the situation in the north of Gaza. It would continue planning to ensure that the polio vaccination campaign could continue to take place. Conditions on the ground were more complicated now, but teams were highly motivated to carry out the campaign.

UNICEF was involved in the repair of hospitals. It had repaired the Nasser Hospital and would continue to provide repairs to health facilities when it was possible.

UNICEF had received guarantees from parties to the conflict on Wednesday of area-specific humanitarian pauses at specific times. Daily calls were scheduled with stakeholders to ensure that the campaign could be carried out as planned.

Homicides, Enforced Disappearance and Judicial System Reform in Mexico

Ravina Shamdasani for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said OHCHR’s office in Mexico had been following the very worrying situation in Mexico regarding the number of homicides, the number of femicides, as well as the large number of people who had been subject to enforced disappearance. It was continuing to work with the Government on these issues and monitor the situation, raising concerns regarding institutions and measures taken to resolve the situation. All measures taken needed to be in line with Mexico’s obligations under international human rights law.

Expanding Conflict and Deadly Floods Exacerbate the Humanitarian Situation in Myanmar

Jens Laerke for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the humanitarian community in Myanmar, coordinated by OCHA, was raising concern about the lack of humanitarian access and insufficient donor funding, as millions of people faced acute needs caused by escalating conflict, catastrophic floods, or both.

Over three million people were displaced across the country, predominantly due to conflict. Since early September, one million people — many already displaced — were also affected by torrential monsoon rains and the aftermath of Typhoon Yagi.

The flooding was deadly, with over 360 people reportedly killed and many more injured across multiple regions. Floods ravaged crops, farmland, and livestock, destroying the livelihoods of vulnerable communities. Local volunteers were cleaning up areas where floodwaters had receded, but persistent rains and swollen rivers threatened further flooding.

Immediate response priorities included ensuring access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services to prevent disease outbreaks, as well as food and health assistance. Reconstruction efforts were critical to restore safe housing for families whose homes had been destroyed, and to allow children to return to schools. Support was also needed for small businesses, farms, and livestock owners, whose livelihoods had been shattered.

So far, the response had included food assistance to more than 150,000 people in the southeast, northwest and Rakhine State, with plans to reach an additional 73,000 people in the southeast. Over 80,000 people in the northwest had received water, sanitation and hygiene assistance, and thousands more shelter, non-food items, learning materials and other types of aid.

However, armed conflict in Myanmar was widespread and generated immense humanitarian needs and displacement, particularly in the north, southeast and Rakhine State. Aid organizations faced continuous challenges in reaching those in need because of insecurity, checkpoints and restricted access in conflict zones, as well as flood-related damages to roads and bridges.

Yet, in the first half of the year, 40 per cent of the 5.3 million people targeted for support received some form of humanitarian assistance. Local and national partners were on the forefront of this response, working closely with communities and providing a lifeline of support.

However, a lack of funding was impeding the necessary scale-up in humanitarian aid. Ten months into the year, OCHA’s one billion United States dollar response plan remained critically underfunded, at less than 30 per cent.

OCHA Leadership

In response to a question on new leadership, Jens Laerke for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said a start date had yet to be set for Tom Fletcher, the newly appointed Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator. For now, Joyce Msuya, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, continued to lead OCHA as Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.


Nihon Hidankyo Wins 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

Answering questions, Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) in Geneva, congratulated the winners of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, Nihon Hidankyo, a grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was a very important cause that was close to the heart of the United Nations, which was born from the ashes of war with a principal mandate to prevent wars and particularly nuclear conflicts. The cause was particularly important for Geneva, which hosted the Conference on Disarmament and discussions that were fundamental for our world.

The Nihon Hidankyo association had been working with the United Nations. In 2018, it came to the United Nations with Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu to present a petition with eight million signatories requesting the end of a nuclear arms race, nuclear conflict and nuclear weapons.

War should never be fought with nuclear weapons. There were currently weapons that were many times more powerful than those used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This year’s Nobel Peace Prize highlighted the critical efforts of the grassroots movement to prevent such a war and underlined the need for the international community to fight this scourge.

Ravina Shamdasani for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo was, for the Office of the High Commissioner, a recognition of the importance of grassroots organisations and the survivors of horrific violations, who worked tirelessly and persistently, often away from the spotlight, without a large amount of recognition or resources at their disposal. Despite the many obstacles they faced and the horrors they themselves experienced, these activists kept going, trying to make the world a better place for all of us.

The world was still dealing with the legacy of the nuclear weapons decades on, and the Office had recently released a report on the impact of this legacy.

Jens Laerke for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that this morning, a celebration of peace was being held in Oslo, with the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize, yet there continued to be unceasing reports of conflict and war across the world. If there was an opposite of the Nobel Peace Prize, there would be no shortage of candidates.


Catherine Huissoud for United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said UNCTAD Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan would present the 2024 Trade and Development Report, entitled “Rethinking Development in the Age of Disagreement,” on Thursday 17 October at 10:30 a.m. in the Palais des Nations press briefing room. The embargo on the report would lift at 12 p.m. on the same day. This analysis showed that the world economy was at a turning point. Growth was slow, especially in developing countries. Combined with accelerating technological change, trade fragmentation, rising debt burdens and inflation, social discontent was emerging. The report explored the challenges facing the global South, but also the unique opportunities that lay ahead. To seize these opportunities, a new development path with a focus on economic diversification, resilience and inclusive growth was essential.

Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service (UNIS) in Geneva, said the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (89th session, 7-25 October, room XXIII, Palais des Nations) would have a public meeting next Monday afternoon to hear from civil society organizations on the implementation of the Convention on the four countries to be reviewed next week: Chile, Canada, Japan and Cuba. On Friday 25 October, it would hold an informal public meeting with States parties and launch its general recommendation 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems.

The Human Rights Committee would open next Monday at 10 a.m. its 142nd session (14 October-7 November, Palais Wilson) during which it would review the reports of Iceland, Pakistan, Greece, France, Türkiye and Ecuador.

Today was the International Day of the Girl Child, and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres had released a statement for the day.

Tomorrow, 12 October, was World Migratory Bird Day. Migratory birds were a fundamental aspect of biodiversity and the environment.

13 October was the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. A statement from the Secretary-General on the day had been distributed.

Good morning. Welcome to the press briefing of the UN Geneva.
Today is Friday, 11 October
and we have the great pleasure to start this briefing with two guests from the UNHCR,
the UN
refugee agency. We have with us Rven
the assistant High Commissioner for Protection
on my right
gang Long time Nepalese stateliness campaigner and
nanson as a winner.
So I'll give the floor to our colleagues immediately for their initial remarks.
Missus M.
Thank you, Alessandra.
Um so today we actually here because we're releasing a very,
very important report to mark a decade of action,
uh, to address, uh, statelessness,
Um and I'm sure you all know this, but UN HCR is not just the UN refugee agency.
We also have a global mandate to prevent and end statelessness.
And 10 years ago, our then High Commissioner, Antonio Guterres,
who's now the Secretary general, actually initiated this campaign called I belong
and the objective of it was really
to mobilise governments to pay global attention to
this issue and to try and bring an end to this really devastating problem.
Well, 10 years down the road, unfortunately,
we have not succeeded in eliminating statelessness.
It is a serious human rights violation.
Everybody has a fundamental human right to a nationality.
Everybody has a fundamental human right not
to be arbitrarily deprived of their nationality.
And most stateless people live in the margins of society. We all know that
they tend to be stripped of all the legal rights and protections that
stem from citizenship and make them even
more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
And many of the things that you and I take for granted.
Whether it's renting an apartment, sending our kids to school,
accessing medical care when you are sick.
All of these things become almost insurmountable problems for stateless people
when they have absolutely no documents to show that they belong.
And this is certainly something that, uh,
deep T will be speaking to much more extensively from her own personal experience.
So I think one of the things that we really want to highlight here is that
really statelessness is a solvable issue.
It is.
I mean,
there are lots of things in the world today
that we could consider to be completely unresolvable,
but this is not one of them.
All it takes is political will and a commitment to enact change, for example,
by introducing laws and regulations
addressing the gaps and inequities that actually lead to statelessness.
All it takes literally, sometimes is a stroke of a pen
and the report that we are launching today actually does it show some of the progress
that has been made and there has been
quite significant progress and some notable achievements.
I won't list them all. They are pretty lengthy, but I will highlight a few of them.
One is, of course, that since the start of the campaign,
over half a million stateless people have acquired citizenship.
We have countries like Kyrgyzstan that have resolved the
case of every known stateless case on their territory.
We have Turkmenistan that is on track to do the same.
We have countries like Kenya that have provided
citizenship to ethnic minorities on their territories.
We have countries like Liberia,
Madagascar and Sierra Leone that have introduced legislation that
allow women to pass nationalities on to their Children,
and we have over 20 plus countries that have introduced national plans of action
to end statelessness.
So I think those are huge achievements that we really do
want to mark as well with the launch of this report.
I'd like to also provide some other critical data and that is, As of last year,
there was some 4.4 million stateless people who were registered.
But I do want to underline, though,
that this data covers only half of the 193 member states on this planet.
So the real numbers are significantly higher
and obviously much more difficult to grapple with,
since we actually don't even know the dimensions of the problem.
And the other sobering statistic is that 1.3 million
of stateless people are actually forcibly displaced as well,
and this relates principally to the Rohingya ethnic minority from Myanmar.
I'm sure you all know that there are over a million Rohingya refugees,
principally in Bangladesh but also in other
asylum countries in the Asia Pacific region,
and that we have hundreds and thousands of Rohingya who are
displaced internally within Myanmar as a result of the conflict.
Now, to mark the closure of the I belong campaign this 10 year campaign,
we will be convening a high level event next Monday,
uh, during our annual
or executive committee sessions
and It will include some around 100 governments and
over 50 representatives of international organisations and civil society.
So they will all be there to mark the
or to commemorate if you like the achievements of the
Iong campaign.
But this event will also serve to launch the global alliance to end statelessness.
And this is an alliance that includes member states,
private sector, importantly,
stateless people themselves and the organisations that they represent
academia, faith based groups, other UN agencies, you name it.
We will be having all of these stakeholders working together
with the principal objective of maintaining the momentum
and building on the achievements already generated by the
Iong campaign.
and the end objective, we hope is that at the end of this,
every single person would have citizenship and a legal identity.
That is really the objective that we're working towards and, as I said, a
very, very easily implement objective. If there's political will to do it
but and I'd like to conclude by saying this, um also very importantly,
on Monday evening we will be having a ceremony to to honour uh, this year's
Nanson Refugee Medal Award winners,
and we do have the immense privilege of having one of the regional winners here.
Alessandra just mentioned it.
who has been advocating sty
on behalf of stateless people.
She will speak much more compellingly about her own experiences than I ever could.
But her
work really stemmed from the fact that her own Children, her two daughters,
became stateless.
And she has worked tirelessly to reform ne
Nepalese citizenship laws
to ensure that this does not happen. And by doing this, she has really managed to,
uh, help not only her daughter's situation,
but also thousands of others in a similar situation.
So without further ado, I'd like to
hand the flow over to, uh,
over to you.
Thank you very much for this opportunity and platform
for me to express, it means a lot coming from all the way from Nepal.
Well, um
good morning, everybody. Um,
it is a
I hope it's OK if I read it out.
it here.
So it is a profound privilege to address you today. I am Deep
Gurung, co
founder and executive director of Citizenship Affected People's Network Nepal.
My dedication to this cause is deeply personal.
I faced a long and painful struggle to secure citizenship for my daughters, Ne
and Nikita
and my now husband,
and was able to receive his citizenship at the age of
45 after decades of hardship because of gender discriminatory citizenship laws.
These challenges drove me to advocate for the rights of all
mothers seeking to pass on their nationality to their Children.
One story that stands out to
khaki. Orphaned at the age of age at
the young age and raised by her grandmother,
Sangita fought for over 10 years to secure her citizenship.
Despite her success, many other youths continue to face this issue,
depriving them of education, employment and basic rights.
Without citizenship, they became vulnerable to human trafficking,
illegal activities and drug abuse.
Tragically, some have even taken their own lives.
These young people who could be contributing
to Nepal's development and instead of left
instead left marginalised.
For a developing country like ours, this one,
this loss of human potential is catastrophic.
Gender discriminatory citizenship law is not just a legal issue.
It is a human rights crisis,
denying citizen
citizenship strips individual of dignity and opportunity.
This issue is often
overshadowed by political narrative,
but it is a fundamentally it is fundamentally about justice and equality.
Every child deserves the right to belong,
regardless of whether the their nationality comes from their mother or father at
Cap. And we are working to change this reality.
One of our key initiatives,
the Safe Haven project provides employment
to people impacted by citizenship laws,
enabling them to earn a dignified living and helping fund
our broader advocacy efforts.
Through this initiative,
we demonstrate that we are just not individuals without citizenship and also who
are treated as threats but valuable
contributors to society.
While we have made progress,
this work would not be possible without the support of organisations that we have
that have stood by us despite the
challenges they face in garnering sufficient resources.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to institution institutions like
stitching Institute for Statelessness and Inclusion,
nationality for all global campaign for equal nationality rights
and the Global Movement against statelessness,
which have been pillars of strength for us.
Despite their own struggles with funding, financial support
and with capacity building as well, we also like to deeply thank
we are also deeply thankful to
foundation Finland
and an ongoing partner, partner and Juliet fund U
A which have helped us a lot.
However, despite these efforts, statelessness remains unfunded globally.
We could achieve so much more if this issue
receives more financial help and political will it truly deserves.
As we gather here today
at the United Nations,
I urge both global global community and our government to view statelessness
or people without citizenship through a lens of humanity and inclusion.
Nepal has made some progress and I appreciate these efforts. But we still know
that the gender discriminatory citizenship provision exists
and it exists because of the patriarchy prevalent
the intent needs to be determined and firm more.
We must enact reforms that ensure no child is left stateless and
no mother is denied the right to pass on her nationality.
Together we can build a future where every child in Nepal and around
the world is given the chance to participate fully in society and contribute
to their communities. Thank you.
Thank you very much for opening the floor to question matters An announcement
just very briefly to follow up.
The press release has been sent on the I belong report,
so you should have that in your inbox.
We have also sent an advisory for the full week of events
next week that is ex
our annual executive committee meeting
and there are details there on media access and broadcast opportunities.
As Reuben mentioned, there will be a high level segment on statelessness on Monday
that will be followed by the Nanson Award on Monday evening,
to which media can have access if they approach
UNHCR's press office
and then throughout the rest of the week there
will be a number of sessions here in the Palais
including, of course, the General,
all debates at Ex
as well as individual sessions on the situation in the Middle East,
the situation in Sudan, climate change, the Cartagena
and several other sessions.
So do approach us if you have interest in covering those thank you, Alexandra,
Thank you to the three speakers and I open the floor two questions,
so I'll start with Isabel.
Saco is the
correspondent of the Spanish News Agency.
Good morning.
Thank you, Alexandra, Just to know if we will receive a detailed programme of the Ex
com next week
because it would be useful and to know also if you
are expecting the participants, some ministers
to come to Geneva for this meeting.
We have sent an advisory Isabel,
and there is a link there that has all of the sessions that are available.
There are a number of ministers, ambassadors, partners,
NGOs and so on. Who will be present?
Gabriela Sotomayor,
Um, from a Mexican processor.
Hi. Hello.
And I didn't have the opportunity to read the report.
But what do you think about the regime of the Ortega Murillo in Nicaragua
that took away the nationality of some members of opposition intellectuals,
some priests and other personalities?
Thank you,
Miela. We answer every question. It's a press conference style.
I think I won't go into the individual circumstances of each of these situations.
But suffice it to say, as I underlined earlier on,
it is one of the
fundamental human rights for any person not
to be arbitrarily deprived of their nationality.
And that's a position we would take in situations where we believe that
people have been stripped of their nationality for,
uh, for political purposes or any other purposes.
Are there other questions to an HCR in the room.
Let me see if there's any on the platform.
I don't see.
Yes. Lisa
Schlein. Sorry, boys of America.
Uh, good morning on, uh, statelessness,
you were talking about the situation of Myanmar as we know,
they're very resistant to,
uh, dealing with this. Among other issues. Uh,
what does it take?
what sort of persuasive arguments do you have in
order to get countries to listen to you,
and to consider, uh, giving citizenship to the stateless people.
And then I was wondering whether you have, uh, been able to measure
positive impact of, uh uh uh, uh, countries that have, in fact,
ended statelessness.
I'm looking at the press release which talks about Kenya, which, uh, I guess gave,
uh, uh, citizenship to a number of,
uh, minority groups. And what that has done for the societies that
have actually granted citizenship to,
uh, these stateless people.
Thank you.
Thank you for that question.
Um, in terms of the Rohingya situation and the issue of citizenship for Rohingya,
uh, members of the Rohingya ethnic minority,
this is a long standing issue.
As, of course, you know,
and some of the initiatives that we have undertaken
is obviously to lobby with governments in the region to
and try and persuade the
de facto authorities in Myanmar and previous governments
as well in Myanmar to address this issue,
this very vexed question of granting citizenship or
the full rights of citizenship to Rohingya,
the Rohingya populations.
But we are also and this is one of the things that
this global alliance that we are launching on Monday hope to do.
It is
not just to use the persuasive powers of governments,
but also other sectors of society, like civil society, like people like
the private sector. As we all know, sometimes
some of these very powerful corporations tend to have more leverage than
we in the United Nations may have with certain governments,
then other sister agencies, academia, faith based leaders, faith based groups.
We hope to use all of these in this in the
context of this global alliance to try and mobilise public opinion,
but also to try and convince these governments to
look more positively at granting citizenship
to stateless persons on their territory.
In terms of the positive impact, Um, there is recorded evidence that Of course,
when people are granted full rights of citizenship and become
wage earning members of society,
they do contribute to the communities in which they live,
not least through the payment of taxes
through the payment of other you know, for other services as well.
And that they do become contributing members of the
economies and the communities in which they live.
And we do have data on that. Thanks.
Thank you very much. Musa.
Peru. Um, I have a question about the Lebanon.
Uh, the situation, uh, of, uh, uh,
displacement, uh, displaced, uh, in Beirut from the south.
The situation today, uh, because I see always, uh, the image from Beirut.
Uh, the people sleep in the street, in the garden, in the public space.
Uh, how you can, uh, give us some details about, uh, the situation today. Thank you,
You are not specifically speaking here
about refugees because otherwise we will have
a whole section in Lebanon as soon as we finish with this.
So just to clarify, are you asking this to
or in general, we can talk about it in a moment?
No. And, uh uh, uh, The UN CR
Or maybe I can wait.
Let's do it like this because Matt will stay with us. I
there is one more question.
But then we go to Lebanon to the situation in the Middle East,
and Matt will also be there to answer your
questions after we have heard from our speakers.
But I think Catherine
has a question too.
Is that for
Yes. Good morning, Alexandra. Good morning. And thank you for this briefing.
I'd like to have your opinion about governments that are removing nationality
people that have been involved in fights in Syria.
They removed most of the time they removed the nationality of the former fighters
and their family.
I am not aware of the situation in which you
are referring to the situation which you are referring to.
But again,
I do want to underline that there are international human rights instruments that
clearly say that no person should be arbitrarily deprived of their nationality.
And I would really like to just underline that provision
rather than commenting on individual situations where
I certainly don't have the knowledge.
Thank you very much. That was our last question for our guests.
Thank you very much for being here. Congratulations again
and have a great event next week. But you stay in the room.
I'll ask
Ravina to come to the podium
and we have with us. I like to make a little bit of
series of presentations on
the situation in the Middle East. So we have
Ravina to speak
about it on the
human rights perspective. And we also have Ri pkn
me to introduce.
He is the
representative for the
he is connecting from Jerusalem and Jean UN
Special Representative in the State of Palestine for
UNICEF. So we have updates on Gaza on polio.
But I would like to say Rick has to leave us at 1130. So we have a hard deadline there.
Christian will stay on the line if you have other questions for
But I think I'll I'll start maybe with, um Ravina here. Then we will go to Jerusalem
and then we will hear um
also from Matt. If you have questions
uh Ravina
Let's start with you.
Thanks, Alexandra. Good morning, everyone.
The situation for civilians on the ground in Lebanon, Gaza,
Israel and Syria is getting worse by the day.
The densely populated capital of Beirut is
increasingly being hit by Israeli air strikes,
hundreds are dead and over a million people
have fled their homes throughout the country.
Hezbollah and other armed groups continue to fire rockets into Israel,
resulting in the first civilian fatalities in the north since the
most recent escalation of hostilities between Israel and Lebanon last month.
Just last night, Beirut was bombed again
in the heaviest strike yet on the central part of the city.
At least 22 people were reported killed and over 100 injured,
according to the Ministry of Public Health.
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker
reminds all parties of their obligation
to adhere to international humanitarian law
or the rules of war with respect to the protection of civilians,
civilian objects and infrastructure.
Any alleged violation must be subjected to a prompt and thorough investigation,
and those responsible where violations are found to
have taken place must be held to account.
The Lebanese people are bearing the brunt of this latest phase of the conflict.
The Ministry of Public Health says that almost 400 Children and
women are among the over 2000 people killed since October 2023.
There are recurring reports of essential
civilian infrastructure having been struck,
including hospitals, clinics, ambulances and schools,
along with the destruction of housing.
In all,
over 100 medical and emergency workers have been
killed across Lebanon since October last year.
Many of those displaced have fled to Syria
from the 23rd of September to 9 October.
It has been reported that over 310,000 Syrians and
nearly 110,000 Lebanese citizens have crossed the border.
On the ninth and the 10th of October,
Hezbollah said it had launched at least
360 missiles from southern Lebanon into Israel.
Two people were killed in a rocket attack on the border town of Kiryat
Mona on the ninth of October,
a day after five others were injured in a rocket attack on Haifa.
Amid this escalating violence,
we are appalled by the sweeping inflammatory language on multiple sides,
recent language threatening Lebanese people as a whole
and calling on them to either rise
up against Hezbollah or face destruction like Gaza
risks being understood as encouraging or accepting violence,
directed against civilians and civilian objects
in violation of international law.
Ongoing denigration of the UN
in particular UN R A
is unacceptable.
This kind of toxic rhetoric from any source must stop.
It is important that we also keep the spotlight
on the frightful human suffering continuing in Gaza.
Over the last week, the Israeli military has intensified operations in north Gaza,
further severing the area from the rest of the Gaza Strip
and risking af freshh the lives of civilians in the areas.
Intense strikes, shelling,
quad copter shootings and ground incursions have occurred over the past days,
hitting residential buildings and groups of people, causing numerous casualties
and once again, mass displacement of Palestinians in the area.
Attacks on hospitals also continue.
One strike on Al Yaman al Sayed Hospital, serving as an ID P shelter in
Jabaliya camp, killed 17 Palestinians, including Children and women.
On the ninth of October,
the Israeli military ordered the evacuation within 24 hours of Kamal Awan
Hospital in Beit Lahiya,
the largest operating hospital in northern Gaza,
impacting hundreds of injured other patients and medical workers,
as well as residents that rely on the hospital.
Meanwhile, in other parts of Gaza. A strike on Ruaa
school, sheltering
in the west of Deir
al Bala
on the 10th of October reportedly killed 28 Palestinians,
including Children and women.
We have recorded at least 14 schools struck this October alone
at a rate of more than one school a day.
While the Israeli military continues to order Palestinians in north Gaza to leave,
many are trapped and cannot safely move.
Our office has received reports that those most vulnerable,
including people with disabilities and their families,
are especially struggling to evacuate.
The High Commissioner stresses that now, more than ever, political courage,
leadership and compassion are needed.
The killing,
destruction as well as the bellicose posturing by
those in positions of power must end.
There is no alternative to resolution of
this conflict than at the negotiating table.
Widening conflict and progressive escalation put the lives and
well being of potentially millions of people across the region
at risk.
thank you very much for this comprehensive briefing. I go now to Rick
from Jerusalem to update us on the situation of the health situation there.
Yeah, good morning, Uh, to all of you and, uh, greetings from, um Jerusalem.
Uh, I wanna focus on two updates one on the health situation. So both focused on Gaza
one an an an an update on northern GZA and the other one on polio.
So on northern Gaza.
So we as WHO we we remain and we
are actually greatly concerned about the safety of patients.
Health workers
amid these intensified facilities and and the current evacuation wards
and then also very much affecting the
hospitals mentioned Kamal at one Al
an Indonesian hospital in northern Gaza.
So we also appeal for every possible measure
to be taken to protect civilians health care,
including patients, health workers, hospitals and ambulances.
So health care
should never be a target.
So WHO was requested by the Ministry of Health
and respective hospitals to support the evacuation of
critical non walking patients from this hospital.
We immediately planned this mission. We were regressed on the seventh.
On eighth of October. We were ready.
The mission to Kamala one. That's where the patients would be
gathered and they would be brought to non walking critical patients.
They would be transferred.
That was the plan to
oif a hospital and Al
and a few
to Sahaba.
So 8 October
The mission was ready,
and those missions are incredibly complex,
an enormous time called
to prepare. It's not just WHO.
It's with UN partners like O,
but also
with our counterpart, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society,
with the staff and ambulances,
cars, et cetera, with a string of ambulances.
So 8 October
mission impeded
89 hours at checkpoints, et cetera. Rolling Points Mission Impeded 9 October.
Similar planning
Mission. Impeded similar reasons. Yesterday at 10 October
the same, uh,
they passed the checking points, but upon checking point is very close to
They could not continue, and they had to abort a mission late
in in in the evening. They were back very late in the
in the evening.
Other missions from WAO as well to re
supply Osa
have a
hospital, for example, with fuel blood
units. Medical supplies
were also the 9th,
1/9 October and impeded on the 10th of October.
We are
we are always ready and we're still planning. Now.
We are now again planning with the team in Gaza
to when it's still needed to have this mission to transfer these critical normal
occupations either tomorrow or on Sunday, but we need to be properly facilitators.
So as of yesterday, it's estimated there are 19 patients still in Kamala
141 patient in Al Ada
and 28 patients. Indonesia.
and al
remain partially functional and we cannot
say that Indonesia is functional anymore.
They struggle due to
shortage of supplies. So Kamala
one and
including blood trauma, disposables, medication for patients with
nonchronical disease and fuel,
and the latest report.
Indonesian Hospital is no longer able to
provide services or accommodate new patients.
So and I want to stress this point. Kamala
other Indonesia, where the only three hospitals will remain partly functional
in the north of Gaza
it lacks
in the north of Gaza primary healthcare facilities,
we get this.
Most of these reports from the hospitals of many other
hospitals in the north now are ruling out a few.
Most of the UN and humanitarian missions were not happening to the North.
They're rolling out a few specific medical supplies
and we are one year in this crisis
and this is a kind of
I don't get it, that we can still not have these humanitarian corridors to make sure
that these missions can continue. So we we request again
starting request this
humanitarian missions to the north, wherever to the south. They need to happen
on polio.
So maybe a little bit more positive here.
The second round of an emergency polio vaccination campaign is
is scheduled to start on coming Monday
in Gaza to vaccinate an estimated 591,007 other Children.
Thats target under 10 years of age
with the second dose of the Novo
polio vaccine Type two NLBV two vaccine.
Again, This is similarly organised by the Ministry of Health,
together with WHO, UNICEF
and many partners
a will be added. I'm sure that my UNICEF colleague will
allude to that uh, process
the second round. We will have a similar approach. Three phases.
Focusing on three zones the middle zone, the southern zone
and a northern zone
each involving at least three campaigns,
with an extra day for capture where needed and a day in between to prepare
Hundreds of teams are ready for to to to
populate the fixed and mobile teams will be deployed.
Community engagement awareness raises on the proprietor.
During the campaign,
local teams will be deployed in areas that need special coordinations outside
so called polygon to reach the Children.
you know, which are not as part of the the the agreed polygons
and to receive the vaccine as we did in the first round,
it's critical that they are rich as well.
So once again, a humanitarian poll will be a pre witnesses
to implement a successful second round,
particularly to ensure that all polio workers can operate in a safe,
secure environment and community and families can
obtain vaccination for Children without fear.
So we
renew our request,
uh, for for all parts
of the conflict,
to implement this necessary humanitarian policies in Gaza for the second round,
particularly critical as new evacuation orders
in the north of Gaza are threatening
access to hospitals and protection of health
facilities and health and community workers.
The vaccination teams, the parents, the Children.
Of course, the Children must be protected and allowed to conduct, uh,
to make sure that the campaigns can conduct safely,
and I want to close that we we really sort of small positive.
We really appreciate this committed commitment
to this area specific humanitarian policies.
We would like to see this, however,
that this is not just for polio.
We appreciate that this we can do this with polio, but
it should not be just for the polio bubble.
I just raised the other
enormous challenges and and and the lack of supplies
being available specifically in the north of Gaza.
It doesn't only apply for health. This applies for food.
It applies for water and sanitation and applies for shelter.
Applies for for many humanitarian items.
So it's great to have this polio level.
But I think one year in this crisis we should have proper humanitarian corridors
and a functional a functional deconfliction mechanism, which is adherent to
thank you very much.
Thank you very much, Rick. And let me give the floor now to Jean
special representative for Palestine, also from Jerusalem.
Uh, good morning to all there.
In addition to what Rick has mentioned. Thank you, Rick. I wanted to emphasise
the logistical challenges that such a vaccination campaign represent.
The first around successfully roll out
in September Presented humanitarian workers with over
difficulties included operating amid devastated infrastructure.
For example 75% of Pre-existing
critical for any immunisation campaign was destroyed over the last year as war
ravaged the entire strip.
In order to solve the problem,
in addition to the 1.6 million doses of vaccine,
had to bring in refrigerators,
boxes and vaccine carriers all equipment required to maintain the
stock at the temperature between two and eight centigrades.
Another important challenge has been the endless population movements
in the north of the Gaza Strip.
Several displaced orders has been issues affecting thousands of Children.
Once again,
it will be absolutely critical
that not only the localised humanitarian pauses are respected in the north,
but also that people are not forced to move from one area to another.
This will be essential for us to be able to vaccinate at
least 90% of Children under the age of 10 among the population
in all the Gaza Strip.
During the second round,
we will also take the opportunity to administer vitamin A to Children.
This helps to reinforce their immune system.
It is a simple measure,
but critical to support the health of thousands of Children
who are living in extreme dear hygiene and sanitation conditions.
Making sure that families are properly
informed about this second round of vaccination
is also a very important element.
More than 800 social mobilizer will reach out to the families to
raise awareness of the importance of taking the second dose as well
as to where the dates
and locations of the campaign will take place,
as we did in the first round.
We will also broadcast radio spots,
S MS message and use all digital channels
available in Gaza to amplify these messages.
will continue until the second round concludes.
Once again,
local teams will be deployed in the areas that need special coordinations
to reach Children,
including those who could not receive the vaccine in the first round.
I want to reiterate, as my colleague Rick has said,
the importance of localised humanitarian pauses as a prerequisite
for a successful second round of this campaign.
We need all polio workers and nutrition workers to
be able to operate in a safe and secure environment
and all parents to be able to bring their Children to the fear.
We call on all parties to respect this.
The first round of polio campaign has shown to the world
that when everyone lines up,
it is possible to bring critical aid to Children
in Gaza included in the north of Gaza.
It is not only critical crucial that this happens again in the second round.
We should also be able to do more of this
on other aspects for Children in the Gaza Strip that don't need so much. I thank you.
Thank you very much.
In fact, thanks to all the speakers, I know that Rick has a hard deadline.
So I'd rather ask you, if possible, to start with questions to him.
But of course, we
will take them one by one.
So I have seen first Emma, Emma far Reuters.
Hi. Good morning. I have one question for Rick and one for Ravina.
Should I go with both?
Start with Rick, please.
Ok, uh,
for doctor
peppercorn. Um,
what are your fears?
If you don't get access to these hospitals in the north,
why is it important and what will happen to the patients?
And could you just clarify
how many times now have you been thwarted on
that mission to the hospitals in the north?
And then I'll go for Ravina later. Thank you.
Thank you very much. Rick, if you can refund,
we'll try to take your questions first.
Yeah, by the way, I have time until 1230. So, uh,
I think we have enough time. Relax. So I think first of all, the
uh, the number of missions. So
we have had three missions
which has not been successful
over the last week. So 89,
and, um 89 and 10, October
to assist
with transferring those patients. And it's not just WHO.
I wanna really stress that point.
Uh, we manage, we organise, etcetera. We do this, of course, in Coin
Nation on request, the Ministry of Health
and respective hospitals.
And we do this together with the was
as was involved
was also assisting.
As specifically, I would mention the
in Red Crescent Society with a strain of ambulances and
kos. These are massive
operations. We've done this many times now.
Unfortunately to transfer patients to medevac patients within Gaza,
they were supposed to go to, uh, uh,
uh from
collector the Kamala one and then to, uh uh
to, uh to Shea
and alah.
So every day it is changing.
You heard this also from my colleague and And I
think J was also referring to that every day.
That is changing initially. So we planned
for 40 patients, 40 patients to be collectors
and to be brought to, uh,
and Al
Ahli Hospital.
Now, with the evacuation orders,
we we get constantly different informa information.
We know that a lot of non walking patients
they have been moved already.
Don't know the exact figures. I gave you some of the figures Now,
uh, as of yesterday, there were 19 patients in Kamala 1, 41 in all
and 28 in Indonesian
Now we
we do this on request
of the hospital directors.
We don't like to do this kind of thing because
hospitals should be able to take care of their patients.
But we know that when hostilities get close
to the hospital and we learned this over the
last year, what happens?
There will be
a hostilities. There will be fighting close to the hospitals.
Patients cannot come to the hospitals.
Patients cannot leave, staff cannot come and leave.
And W HR and partners cannot bring supplies and equipment so very quickly hospital.
It is partly functional, becomes nonfunctional,
then often there's problems with electricity, et cetera.
Will go
no fuel,
will be problems with water
and food, All the basics.
So yeah, of course, we are deeply concerned
about these patients, but also about staff. And we also understand
that there is
a, um a number of people who actually ID PS within northern Gaza,
who probably moved a number of times that
they are also sheltering around that around those hospitals
they might move. I mean, people who are able to to
to walk, etcetera, they might have left already. We have to check out.
I want to stress again. The way a show is ready, we are. Now again, we have another
meeting with our team in Gaza, uh,
to plan for either tomorrow or Sunday
to hope to ensure that we can assist.
Because if there is indeed, like, active fighting around these hospitals,
we know that
patients are of course really worse off.
And not only the patients, but also the staff.
We hope, of course,
that they can return as quickly as possible
to those hospitals and that you remain functional.
I want to stress this point. It has been an enormous resilience of the health workers
and in everywhere in Gaza. But also, I would say
in northern Gaza,
uh, that every time we we saw that hospitals, because of the active fighting,
became from partly functional nonfunctional.
They bounced back.
They bounced back. Uh, because of their resilience.
Health workers, together with support WH
and partners
Indonesian hospitals, was out of, uh,
function for a long time. It's functioning again
and rehabilitated. Shea
well, almost destroyed very much damage, et cetera. And you all see the pictures.
It is.
It is functioning partly again as trauma and trauma wards and
OTs, et cetera, OP DS, et cetera. It's amazing.
And all those hospitals went through the same Kamala
one has been out of service for a couple of weeks and bounced back Al
Ada, Al
Ahli, et cetera. And even in the solid national medical complex.
So we hope that and we expect that this can
happen again because they should not be a target.
on your
so that is on the on the missions and on on and all
did I address all your questions over to you.
Thank you very much. Can we have we have a long list of questions, please?
Can we have short questions? Short answers? Uh, Nina And then Gabriella.
Thank you, Um, for for doctor peppercorn first.
And then I've I've got a question for rovina later, if that's OK.
it was just on the polio. Uh, campaign I.
I was wondering how confident you are that, uh,
it will be possible to to carry out the the
second round of vaccination in the north of Gaza,
given the the current situation and the siege there,
if you could talk a little bit more to that Thank you.
I'm sure J wants to add on this one as well. But let me say from my side,
the technical committee, which is the Ministry of Health in Gaza.
The Ministry of Health. Uh
and won.
And many partners. They are already
They're ready. They prepared for this. And I think,
I think it was a major achievement in the first round. A
massive achievement from all everyone involved.
Everyone who was held there, especially the team on the ground I will move.
Will also go to Gaza again
on on Monday to assist the guide as good as possible.
But I think, yes, I have confidence very much in the teams,
the technical committee and all the partners on the ground.
in some of those areas in the central and the south and the north.
We talk about foreign teams which are ready to go
and deployed.
Uh, communities will be informed, et cetera.
I am, of course, concerned
about the developments in the north, and specifically, uh,
we know that within within this evacuation orders, we talk about,
um a total of 61 health facilities 20 in the north of Gaza and 41 in Gaza,
Uh, including the 10 hospital, 90 primary health care centres,
and 32 medical points are within the evacuation orders.
And the zone announced on the sixth over. Now,
yes, we are concerned about that. And I think you heard this also from a you
a colleague,
and and we
that this
uh, Unitarian areas, uh, this disposes for this,
uh, for this, uh,
for specific areas where we conduct a public campaign that will be adhered to, uh,
by all all parties
then I'm convinced then I'm actually confident that they
board because I think there's so many challenges.
But I'm hopeful
that we can implement this in the in in the right way and in a in A in a proper way,
that we move forward.
Thank you,
Thank you, Jane. You wanna add something to that?
Just to add that we also have confirmation from Col.
God that they have received that it will happen
and we will have another meeting today. We will have another one on Sunday
and every day during the campaign
we coordinate and make sure that the the hurdles that we have that they are so
so is is difficult. But it's possible. And I think the collaboration of
everyone on the ground.
We are concerned in the North these evacuation orders that have been happening.
The displacement
also brings that we need to adjust our micro plans as Rick said,
and keep planning each day to make sure that the campaign
takes place and it takes place to the best quality possible.
I think the teams on the ground are very motivated, and that encourages us
to keep pushing
because with their support and only with them we'll be able to do it.
So the the people on the ground.
You should see the level of motivation in the last round,
and we are hoping in this round. But we are concerned
because the conditions on the ground are really more complicated this time.
But we are working to
ensuring that and be rest assured that
with hope that everything will be able to move forward. Thank you.
And I wanna add on this gene set in the micro plan. It's incredibly important.
It's incredibly time consuming and complex,
and I think what Gene just raised is probably the most critical.
Every time there's changes, there's changes, evacuation order, changes in the
security environment, et cetera. We will have to adapt our micro plans.
And that will, of course, have an impact an impact on the cor.
So that's why
uh, the
the urgent request to all parties to to stick to this necessary Unitarian policy,
Thank you very much. Gabriel. Leon.
So the question for Rick
11 question and one clarification there.
Could you clarify if Hamas is
preventing Palestinian Children from being vaccinated?
I didn't understand that part.
Is it the Israeli army, or is it both sides responsible?
And second question,
What is the situation of your personal and UN personnel in Lebanon?
Thank you.
Um, I didn't get a complete question, but I think for us,
it's it's it's we as Gene said,
we we we coordinate and we plan together with the Ministry of Health,
and run
and many other partners.
And and and And, of course, we we discuss and and the
we we have this, uh,
daily meetings to
to move forward and to make sure
that what went right, what went wrong,
how can we improve?
So yeah, I think, uh,
everyone is on board.
That's this second round of polio
that that should be become a success. So,
if you ask me if I am I really confident. Yes, I'm confident in that.
And I'm hopeful in that if we of course,
stick to the plans and stick to the agreements.
Isabel, you also have a follow
Yes, very short. Thank you.
Um, just on the missions,
these missions were exclusively for evacuation of patients
or there were there were some other components,
like providing, uh, medicine or other medical materials
or assessments.
And secondly,
you said that some of the patients had been already have been already moved.
Who moved them?
Yeah, OK, all good questions.
So first of all, these missions are indeed it's always a combination.
We try to do as much as possible. So it's
the missions to Kamala
One or
and and and Indonesian. And it would be focused on Kamal
at one because that's where the patients would be moved to
to be evacuated to
and Al
that was definitely, um um um
um mission to
what we call transfer
can say internally.
Medevac those patients, the nonwalking patients,
the critical nonwalking patients.
We also would help
the emer,
Uh, the the EMT. The emergency medical team
is working in Indonesia, and I think there was also one in command one
to help them move out.
That was the other thing.
the other.
We were also wrote, uh,
on request of the hospital and the Ministry of Health to take out an, um,
a few medical equipment, uh,
specifically and then to bring something to Al
to, uh, take care of for the I think for the for the neonatal care,
uh, intensive care units
from one hospital to the other hospital first to make sure that
you know that that we bring in the the that that specific equipment
where it's most needed etcetera and also that they will not be,
uh, damaged.
So that was all focused on the
other missions. And I think I mentioned that, I mean, for example, to
uh, where
we were supposed to bring fuel
units and medical supplies, which were,
which was the night, the ninth of October, and then appear the 10th of October.
And this is I really want to stress.
So we get from our staff in the north as well, but also from the hospitals. If it is she
if it's
if it is,
if it is alsa
Kamala one.
All those hospitals,
uh, constantly are short on fuel.
They are short on specific medical supplies. Uh, for example, um, anaesthesia and
uh, blood, Uh uh, et
and And this is the our our key request. Those missions,
they should just go on. We should have
a number of missions every week to the north of Gaza
to make sure
that we can bring in those supplies. We are ready.
We have the supplies
that we have the fuel,
et cetera.
So it's
it's kind of unacceptable
that we still struggle
with this kind of what I would What I
call should be routine humanitarian missions by now.
And it is not just for health. I want to stress that it's also in the other areas.
Thank you. Thank you very much, Rick. And I know you have to leave us now, so
thanks for that.
I'll go back now to, uh, before going to the people on the on the platform.
I haven't forgotten you, but I'll go back to the room first.
Emma, you were willing to ask your question to Ravina.
thanks, Ravina.
It was just,
um I was hoping for a bit more information
about the 100 medics and emergency workers killed.
Can you give any details of how they were killed and who killed them?
And might you be able to say how many of those have been
in the last few weeks when things have really escalated in Lebanon?
Thank you.
Thanks, Emma. Yes, I do have some more detail on that.
Um so on the ninth of October,
the Israeli air force reportedly hit the civil
defence centre of the Islamic Health Organisation in Wadi
district, killing two paramedics and wounding others.
On the same day,
at least five rescue workers were reportedly killed
when a strike hit their civil defence centre
and previous to that, we have I mean, we have a whole list of attacks
on the fifth of October. Um,
well, on the fifth of October, the Ministry of Public Health reported that, uh,
96 primary health care centres and clinics have been closed.
Um, we've had several reports also of airstrikes targeting other, um,
medical centres, um, and of paramedics as well as firefighters.
Uh, being killed.
Christian, I see your hand up. So
Eric has left us. But maybe you want to add something?
Yeah, indeed. Thank you very much. Uh, Alexandra.
Thank you,
Ginna. Um,
the, uh just just to flag, Or to add a few points since 8 October alone.
And we are on 11 October. So that's three days ago.
Since 8 October 34 attacks on health have been verified by WHO in Lebanon,
which resulted in 94 deaths and 74 injuries alone. That's only since 8 October,
and as the number of displaced people increase
in the population is left with limited access
to emergency and trauma care, as well as access to essential health
including routine vaccination, essential child and maternal health care
and whatever cancer treatments and dialysis.
we are facing a situation where there is much higher
risk of disease outbreak such as acute watery diarrhoea,
hepatitis A
and the number of vaccine presented with diseases. Um,
I'll leave it at that. Thanks. Thanks. Christian
Yes. And if Rabi
and maybe Christian could answer what is the situation of UN personnel in Lebanon?
If you are concerned about your own personal
on that, maybe what you want to read. There is an extensive briefing yesterday by US
Carlo and us
who have been speaking at length
about the situation of the UN, especially the UN
forces in Lebanon. UNIFIL
and they themselves have issued a
where they have spoken about these two
peacekeepers who were injured after an attack.
I think we have distributed to you the notes that the transcript.
Otherwise, we can do it now.
They are available.
I think it's really a complete assessment of the situation in the country.
But the bottom line is that they are there.
They are really working in a very difficult situation,
but they are fulfilling their mandate,
and we will continue to do so as much as they can.
But really, there is a series of events incidents that they have listed. So I will
refer you to these two interventions to the Security Council first. Thank you,
Thanks. Um, yeah, Rubin. I had just a couple of questions for you.
Uh, first of all, um,
I was in, uh, so in Lebanon, the the attacks on UNIFIL, uh, that have continued today.
Just just now,
um, if you could say something about the
from a human rights perspective about, uh, how that's viewed, and
there was also, um,
there have also been reports this is, uh, not in Lebanon, but in in Israel,
there's been reports of a US journalist who's been,
uh, arrested for, uh, endangering national security.
Um, over reporting where some of the Iranian missiles fell.
Um, if if you're aware of that. And if you have any comments on on that, Thank you.
Yeah, sure. Thanks, Nina.
Um, I'll just actually go back to to Gabriela's question a little bit.
I mean, Alessandra gave you the, you know, the the fuller answer.
Um, but just to speak a little bit about impact on our staff as well, uh,
we still of course, do have staff in Lebanon.
Um, and they are trying to do what they can to cover the situation to report back to us.
Um, but of course, they're terrified. Um, and they're very, very tired.
Um, this is what I heard from two of our colleagues. We are so tired
because they have, of course, been supporting and covering
the situation in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territory over the past year.
And now, in addition to that, they're being personally affected.
Hearing the sounds of drones of strikes of bombings,
seeing explosions take place not very far from where they are.
It's a terrifying situation
on the, uh, UNIFIL, Um
uh uh, troops, um, Who were there? Um,
it is clear that, um, states have an obligation, um, to ensure that they are not hit,
um, that they are protected,
and the the the the primary obligation with that, of course,
lies on the state of Israel.
Um, to ensure that the recent statements that were made were unfortunate, uh,
implying that, um, their safety cannot be guaranteed.
Well, of course, it is the responsibility of the state
uh to ensure that they are protected and they are able to carry
out their work that they have been mandated to do by the United Nations
on the
journalist. Yes, We've seen the reports.
We are aware we're actually checking with colleagues because we don't
have enough information to be able to comment on that yet.
But once we get more, I can get back to you on that.
In general, of course, we've seen a lot of attacks against journalists, lack of
access for journalists,
raids of journalistic offices in the context of this conflict.
And that's unacceptable.
In in
the midst of a conflict, there is so much propaganda,
so much misinformation that is spreading that the
work of journalists is more important than ever.
But in this context,
we have seen almost unprecedented levels of attacks against journalists
and we we call for any such
threats, attacks, violence against journalists to be thoroughly investigated
and maybe just in more general terms.
We really have to remind the fact that all parties have obligations
to ensure the safety and security of the UN personnel and property
and respect the
inability of UN premises at all times. It's very important to
reiterate this every time, and our people, of course in the field, is doing that
and following up with the belligerent on this.
It's extremely important to remind everybody of their
own responsibility towards UN staff and UN premises.
And I see Christian raises and maybe also to speak about the
no, Alessandro, but I need to make a very, uh no.
I have a very important clarification before this, uh, creates, uh, problems here.
The the figures I mentioned were since October 2023.
So 8 October 2023. So that's one year to be now
coming back to this year since 17 September,
So that's this year,
18 attacks on health care have been recorded,
leaving behind 72 deaths and 40 injuries among health staff.
Health facilities have also been impacted,
but important 96 primary health care centres and health facilities were
forced to close to the South due to rising hostilities.
Five hospitals were reported nonfunctional due
to physical or infrastructural damage,
and four hospitals partially evacuated.
Uh, and requiring the transfer of patients, including
all those with, uh, various other diseases dialysis, cancer and so on and so forth.
So important. The figures I mentioned before
not to confuse anything worse since one year ago.
Thanks. Christian I. I see the faces of our colleagues here.
Maybe it would be good if you could put this in writing,
but Nina has a question on this.
Thanks. Um, yeah, for Christian.
Um, So it wasn't three days then, um, I was just wondering then if you if you know the,
uh, number of, uh,
healthcare workers who've been killed since the increase in in hostilities,
uh, 23rd of September,
for instance, Uh, if you could Or or the attacks on health care since then.
So since 17. September
18, attacks on health,
um, leaving behind 72 deaths and 40 injuries among
health staff.
without specifications now. So
since 17 September 18 attacks on health.
Thank you.
Um, OK, So we have more questions, but not in the room in the, um, on the
platform. Uh, mat, I see your hand up. Is that something you wanted to add? No.
OK, so let's go to ravikant
the terms of India.
Hello? Can you hear me?
Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah. Thank you, Alexandra.
Just one simple clarification. I don't write for times of India.
I write for wire and other Indian publications.
That's what you put in the in the in the platform. That's why I read it.
But anyway, go ahead.
Yeah, yeah, thanks. Uh, so
my question is to Ravi,
that, uh, given this large scale killings, uh, indiscriminate
killings from, you know, dropping big bombs and also, uh,
continuing ethnic cleansing of sort.
Are we actually witnessing a 21st century phenomenon?
Uh, which was witnessed in the second half of 20th century
in Poland?
Uh, because in many ways it has gone well beyond,
uh what the genocidal
killings that were discussed in the past.
I hope I'm clear about my question.
Thanks, Ravi.
It's It's clear, you I.
I believe you're you're talking about just the
magnitude of what we are seeing today.
Um it,
Gosh, I'm having trouble finding the right word today to to just describe
how terrible this has been.
Um, for civilians.
First and foremost, um,
this is going to have an impact that will reverberate across many generations
of people in the Middle East. Um, Children who have been out of school for so long,
Children who have had their limbs amputated,
who will be living with lifelong injuries, the trauma of families,
the impunity that has marked this conflict,
which means that it is going to continue to feed cycles of revenge, injustice,
revenge, injustice.
It's so difficult to see it is we have been calling the
international community has been calling with one voice for a ceasefire,
for the release of the hostages for a return to some kind of peace.
Every military escalation takes us further away from that.
The right to peace for the people of Palestine, for the people of Israel,
for the people of Lebanon, for the people of the entire Middle East,
and the disregard for international law that has been demonstrated
in the course of this conflict is also just horrifying
and again, what we need to do in response is to double down
to double down. You hear me coming here?
You hear the high Commissioner speaking constantly about
the need to respect international humanitarian law,
and it is easy to get cynical about it.
But in these circumstances,
it is exactly when we need to double down
on insisting that respect for international law is crucial,
that it is a matter of international peace and
security and human rights for the region and beyond.
Um, Musa,
uh uh
uh uh
health worker or health centre
Oh, the OE
in in, uh, in,
maqueda, uh,
do so.
PJ men
a la
uh, se
uh uh uh uh
No. Uh, no. Uh,
Uh uh.
uh A
uh. Enco
uh West
uh, the
uh uh is O
uh uh
Sure. Thank you for your for your important question, Musa.
Now what international humanitarian law requires it requires that
each party to the conflict must give effective warning
of attacks which may affect the civilian population
unless the circumstances do not permit effective advance warning
even where a warning is given to civilians of an impending attack.
That does not absolve the party to the conflict
of its responsibility to ensure the protection of civilians to
ensure that they respect the attack is carried out
with full respect for the principles of distinction proportionality.
So again, first of all, a warning is compulsory.
Um, unless it is absolutely impossible unless the circumstances do not permit.
But secondly, even with a warning,
it does not absolve the state of its responsibility to protect civilians
generally, on your more general point. Indeed, a number of incidents
that have occurred in the in the past few weeks do raise
serious concerns about compliance with international
humanitarian law by all parties.
Maybe on the issue of the hospitals in Lebanon.
I don't know if Christian you want to clarify.
I don't see his, um,
Mike going on. So yeah,
thank you.
Just one thing. Sorry. Jean has to leave us. Is there any specific question for
UNICEF, which is still pending Before
we let her go?
I don't see in the room John. Lisa,
can I ask you just to tell me if you
have any questions for Jean and then we will continue.
is your question. To gene
You have to mute yourself, John.
Hello? Can you hear me there? Alessandra,
is your question to
perhaps partly linked to my question because
I was wondering if UNICEF is involved in repairing
the health facilities that have been damaged. I think the number is standing at 26
and I think
is part of the cluster on wash
if they are doing something with other agencies to repair
the water facilities,
which are a risk for potential water borne diseases if not repaired.
Yes. Thank you, Jean.
Let's see if
Jean can answer this.
Yes. Thanks, John. Uh, we we are involved in the repair of hospitals.
Uh, water and sanitation supplies. We have done it for the NASA
We repaired all the sanitation. Uh uh,
situation for the NASA hospital. So any hospital that needs water
sanitation, we are involved in it.
So, uh, we will, after each of these incursions, we go back and see what is damaged,
and we do repair them for water and
sanitation for hospitals and primary health care over.
Thank you very much. Lisa, have you got a question for Gene, or should I
go back to John?
Yes. No, no. I have a very quick question for J
Yeah, uh, back to the polio campaign,
I get the sense that you have not
received any ironclad guarantees about a humanitarian pause.
So I am wondering, uh, will you go ahead with the, uh, polio vaccination campaign?
Even if you don't get these guarantees in the hopes that
in fact, they will materialise. Thank you.
Uh uh uh uh.
Thanks a lot for the question. Yes, we do have guarantees that we have had meetings.
Um, when it was Wednesday, we had the last meeting with them,
and they have guaranteed that we will have humanitarian pause.
As Rick also presented. We do it in three phases. We do the middle area first.
Uh, that's the
ballad. Then they do canes
and then we go to the north.
So each of these is is area specific humanitarian pause.
So we will do that middle area. We will have a humanitarian pause there from six.
In the morning. till two in the afternoon.
And this worked in the last round.
And we are confident that they will, uh, work in this round.
So we do have reassurance from KO A
that this humanitarian process will take place.
KOG is in coordinating with the Southern Command
That is the operational part of the ID F.
So that's we we do have from and we are from all parties to the conflict.
So we are hoping that it will happen again. This time
Today we have another call with them to keep reassuring,
making sure that everything is in place. We'll have another one on Sunday
and every day during the campaign, we do have meetings to make sure that
any issue that comes up is resolved.
So, uh, we are confident that they will continue and work for the wrong one.
And we are confident they will work for wrong too.
Thank you very much, Gina, I don't see other questions for you.
So thanks again for briefing us and I'll go back now to John,
who had a question for Ravina.
Yes. Uh, good morning, Ravina.
Uh, I was just following up on my colleague's questions.
Your human rights monitoring team.
Are they based in in in Lebanon or in neighbouring countries?
And, uh, how many are still, uh, operating monitoring, uh, on the ground.
And if you, uh, have by any chance, uh,
any data the way you do for Ukraine on number of civilians
killed and injured or the or the situation doesn't permit for that.
Thank you.
Thanks, John.
we have So we have a regional office for the
Middle East and North Africa that's based in Beirut.
And we have colleagues there who monitor, um,
Syria as well as covering the rest of the region.
Um, some have left. Some are still there.
Um, II,
I don't want to get into exact numbers because
those issues can sometimes be a little bit sensitive.
But we do still have staff in Lebanon.
Um, on, um, civilian verifying, uh, this whether, um,
casualties are civilian or other.
The work is ongoing. Um, but as you recognised, it is very difficult.
Um, at the moment, um, the work has begun. We are verifying,
but it would be misleading for us to put out any figures at the moment.
Um, because they'll most definitely be a very clear. Underestimate.
Um, so the work is ongoing.
Thank you very much. I don't see other. Yes, Gabriela
was going
to say I don't,
I have a question for rabina on another subject. Go ahead. Yes. Um,
in the last six years, uh, there have been 150,000 intentional homicides in Mexico
and an average of eight femicide per day.
Uh, several states in Mexico are living with the terror of cartels.
The government is not guaranteeing the right to peace of the population.
So, uh, the country there's no war in the country.
So, uh, are you observing this situation? Are you concerned about this?
And on top of that, the government wants to reform the judicial system.
So what do you think about the situation in Mexico? Thank you.
Thanks. Gabriela. Um, as you know, we we have an office in Mexico.
And of course, we have been following
this very worrying situation regarding the number of homicides,
the number of femicide,
as well as the large number of people
who have been subject to enforced disappearance.
These are all issues on which we we continue to work with the government.
We continue to try to monitor, um, to the extent possible.
Um, and we continue to raise our concerns. Uh, where it comes to,
our worries about institutions, um,
and and measures that are taken to resolve the situation.
It is, of course,
important that all measures are taken in line
with Mexico's obligations under international human rights law.
Thank you very much. Can I let Ravi a
I don't see other hands up. Thank you very much.
Yes, I haven't forgotten you. Can you come to the board while you do? So
I'll give quickly the
to Kathlyn
for an announcement because she also has to go. Thank you very
Any question?
Don't see any. So thank you very much
Let's go back to
the last of our topics today. Which is the humanitarian situation in Myanmar with
the floor.
Thank you.
Thank you. Uh, Lisandra.
But just one thing, isn't it striking that
the same time the same morning as we are looking to Oslo
and the celebration of peace there. We once again
hear about the horrors and the inhumanity
going on in the Middle East.
And one wonders if there were such a thing as the opposite of a
Nobel Peace Prize. I think there would be no shortage of candidates.
the humanitarian community in Myanmar co ordinated by OA,
is raising concern about the lack of humanitarian access and
insufficient donor funding as millions of people face acute needs
caused by escalating conflict, Catastrophic floods or both
over 3 million people are displaced across the country,
predominantly due to conflict
since early September 1 million people, many already displaced,
are also affected by torrential monsoon rains and the aftermath of Typhoon
The flooding has been deadly,
with over 360 people reportedly killed and
many more injured across multiple regions.
The floods have ravaged crops, farmland and livestock,
destroying the livelihoods of vulnerable communities.
Local volunteers are cleaning up areas where floodwaters have receded,
but persistent rains and swollen rivers threaten further flooding.
Immediate response priorities include ensuring access to clean water,
sanitation and hygiene services to prevent disease outbreaks
as well as food and health assistance.
Reconstruction efforts are critical to restore
safe housing for families whose homes
have been destroyed and to allow Children to return to schools.
Support is also needed for small businesses,
farms and livestock owners whose livelihoods have been shattered
so far.
The response has included food assistance to more than 150,000 people in the south,
east, north, west and Rakhine
with plans to reach an additional 73,000 people in the south east,
Over 80,000 people in the north west have received water,
sanitation and hygiene assistance,
and thousands more have received shelter, non food items,
learning materials and other types of aid.
armed conflict in Myanmar is widespread and
generates immense humanitarian needs and displacement,
particularly in the north, south east and Rakhine.
aid organisations face continuous challenges in reaching
those in need because of insecurity,
checkpoints and restricted access in conflict
zones as well as flood related damage
to roads and bridges.
Yet in the first half of this year,
40 per cent of the 5.3 million people targeted in our response plan
received some form of humanitarian assistance.
Local and national partners are on the forefront of this response,
working closely with communities and providing a lifeline of support.
However, a lack of funding
as I mentioned at the beginning is
impeding the necessary scale up in humanitarian aid
10 months into the year,
our $1 billion response plan remains critically
underfunded at less than 30 per cent.
Thank you.
Thank you very much. Jan's questions to O.
Uh, don't see hands in the room or on the platform.
Uh, in fact, it's not for aha.
It's another question related to Gaza. So I'll wait.
I don't see any question for Jens, but
oh, no pardon.
Pardon? Pardon? We have Chris. Just one second. Catherine.
It took me a while to react. Do you have a new boss? When are we going to see him?
What are we
to see?
Oh, you can. You can google him and see him.
And there's plenty of videos and articles And what not?
He, uh no start date
has been set yet.
So for now, the acting USG remains George Musa.
OK, Catherine, go ahead.
Thank you. Thank you so much. Uh, Alessandra, uh, my question is, in fact, for IO.
They were supposed to release
a report on the employment in the West Bank and Gaza on Monday.
They sent us a message to say that it was postponed to Wednesday
and we don't have any news from them.
Uh, I don't know if someone of ILO is connected.
I'm afraid not. So the only thing I can do is take your questions to them
to Zaina.
But no, unfortunately, we don't have anybody from a
so I'll ask.
Thank you. Thank you, Alison.
Anybody else
has any other question?
OK, and of course, we congratulate the winners of the
Nobel Peace Prize.
that's, uh,
has mentioned
as you've surely seen, the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to the Japanese organisation
IK, a grass roots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I see you have a question indeed. Yes. OK, So I'm happy that I'm saying this
and maybe I can also ask Ravina
There are questions.
There are requests for comments.
So I just wanted to Of course, we congratulated the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize.
It's a very important cause and
it's a cause which is close, as you know, not only to the un heart, but to the un
altogether. Because we were born on
the ashes of a war and we are here
also foremost to avoid wars and particularly nuclear conflicts.
So this is an extremely important cause.
And I have
underline also the fact that it's an important cause for Geneva.
The presence of the Conference on Disarmament here
and the discussions that take place here are fundamental
for our for the world.
And this particular association
is this particular movement has been working with the UN I remember
few years ago, I think it was 2018. They came to the US
for disarmament
presenting a
petition of 8 million signatures requesting the end of the
nuclear arms race and a nuclear conflict. Nuclear weapons.
So that is really a cause that we are looking at.
We really congratulate the winners and we
expect a statement by the Secretary General,
of course today
that we will immediately transmit to you. But maybe you also have a comment
on this.
Sure, tha Thanks, Alessandra.
I know to us it's a It's a
recognition of the importance of of grassroots organisations,
Um and in particular,
you know, survivors, um, of horrific violations,
uh, for their tireless and persistent work, um, often away from the spotlight, Um,
without much recognition
with a lot of,
um with not always, Uh, the the the the you know,
tremendous amount of resources at their disposal.
But for them to keep going in spite of the horrors they themselves experienced
to try to make the world a better place for all of us.
So we welcome this recognition of the tireless work of grassroots organisations.
Absolutely. Gabriela?
What is your, uh, thinking about that Israel is in a war and they have, uh,
nuclear weapons?
Do you think there is a, uh,
a danger
that can use again?
Well, of course,
I think that the problem is exactly that.
That is what we are discussing here in Geneva
the whole year long.
The issue is there is absolutely no way that
any war can be fought with nuclear weapons.
Today we have seen the effects of the bomb
in the second World War we have got now weapons that are so many more times
is more powerful than those that were used in Hiroshima
and Gazi.
think that the work of this grass roots movement to fight against that I'm
not even speaking about the probability but even the
idea that such a work could be fight again.
It's absolutely critical.
And that is why I think this Nobel Peace Prize is so important today.
don't know. Maybe you want to add something.
I think Alexandra covered it very well and we're still
dealing with the impact of the nuclear legacies of decades ago
in terms of environmental damage in terms of the impact on individuals as well.
In fact, we had put out a report recently on the impact of the nuclear legacy.
I might just forward that to you all as
this might generate more interest in the issue.
Thank you very much,
So if there are no other questions and thanks
Ravina for this
follow up to the briefing,
I just wanted to remind you that the
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
will have a public
meeting next Monday afternoon to hear
a civil society organisation on the implementation
of the Convention on the Four countries to be reviewed next week,
which are Chile, Canada, Japan and Cuba.
The Human Rights Committee will open next Monday at 10 a.m. its 142nd session
until 7 November. There will be meeting at Palais
Wilson, the countries to be reviewed under these sessions are Iceland,
Pakistan, Greece, France, Turkey and Ecuador.
And just a reminder that today is the international day of the girl child.
We have sent you the message of the statement of the Secretary General
for this International Day
and just let me remind you tomorrow. For me, it's a very, very important day, its
migratory birthday. It is a
fundamental aspect of biodiversity and environment,
and it is important to remind it here
and on 13
October, very timely International Day for disaster risk reduction.
And I believe we have sent you all to the state
Secretary General on that international day.
So thank you very much for following this briefing and bona petit.
And I'll see you on Tuesday and one weekend.
Thank you.