Topic | Time code | Restrictions | Description of shots | Location |
Geneva views | 00:00 - 00:17 | UNTV/ No restriction |
| UN Office at Geneva |
Multilateralism | 00:18 - 00:29 | UN Multimedia/ No restriction | Flags of UN Geneva | Geneva |
Macroeconomics Maritime transport | 00:30 - 00:43 | World Bank/ No restriction | Johannesburg Stock Exchange; port and containers in Ghana | South Africa, Ghana |
Agriculture - Food safety - | 00:44 - 01:10 | FAO/ No restrictions | (wide & med shots) Man walking between two ranges of grape plants | Egypt |
Commodities Agriculture | 01:11 - 01:24 | FAO/ No restrictions | Wide, med & close-up shots of fishing | Black Sea/ Europe |
Debt and Development Finance FFD - Infrastructure | 01:25 - 01:51 | WORLD BANK/ No restriction | Busy highway, people crossing road; Aerial shot, construction site & highway | ADDIS ABABA/ ETHIOPIA; ACCRA/ GHANA |
New Technology - Science Technology and Innovation | 01:52 - 02:41 | Footage: UN in Action Episode #1417 (https://www.unmultimedia.org/avlibrary/asset/B514/B5147956685001/) | View of the earth from space, technology, cutting trees, South America, astronauts | Brazil |
E-Commerce and digital economy | 02:42 - 02:44 | UNICEF/ No restrictions | Young Filipinos browsing on mobile phones | The Philippines |
02:45 - 03:20 | ILO/ No restrictions | Woman working on a digital labour platform; taxi driver at work, receiving notification through an app | Colombia, Kenya | |
Infrastructure / South-South Cooperation | 03:21 - 03:34 | UNIFEED/ No restrictions | Various shots of city view of Quito, Ecuador | Quito, Ecuador |
Trade agreements | 03:35 - 04:13 | WTO / No restriction | Gavel moment, various shots at WTO session | World Trade Organization |
Trade and environment - Vulnerabilities to climate change | 04:14 - 04:32 | Unifeed, WFP/ No restrictions | Low-lying coastal areas; various shots of people in Madagascar affected by El Niño | Madagascar |
Investment - Science and technology | 04:33 - 04:47 | ONSCREEN CREDIT: European Space Agency (ESA) | View of the earth next to a satellite antenna, arm of ISS with the earth in the background | Space |
Competition and Consumer protection | 04:48 - 05:02 | ILO/ No restrictions | Workers in garment factory, supermarkets, automobile production | Haiti, Spain, Germany |
SIDS - Small Islands Developing States | 05:15 - 05:21 | Footage: ETHAN FILMS on behalf of UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction | Houses on the shore hit by waves, sand barriers to try protect from waves on the shore | Kiribati |
05:09 - 05:14 | UN News/ No restrictions | Ocean view, wide shot | Trinidad and Tobago | |
05:03 - 05:08 | UN News/ No restrictions | Tourism at beach | Trinidad and Tobago | |
Poverty - Access to clean water | 05:22 - 05:33 | ONSCREEN CREDIT: UNHCR | Close shot on water falling in a jerrican, boy carrying jerrican of water on his shoulder, joining a girl carrying one too. | Bangladesh |
| 05:34 - 06:00 | UNICEF/ No restrictions | People lining up around a water truck | Damascus, Syria |
LDCs - Least Developing Countries | 06:01 - 06:18 | IFAD/ No restriction | Children in classroom/ receiving healthcare | Laos |
LDCs - Least Developing Countries | 06:19 - 06:55 | UNifeed, OCHA/ No restrictions | Various shots of IDP camp in Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Palestinian People - Vulnerabilities | 06:56 - 07:13 | Unifeed, UNICEF/ No restrictions | Wide shot of street view; people in damaged buildings | Palestine |
Gender equality | 07:14 - 07:32 | MINUSMA/ No restrictions | Helicopter landing on sand. Woman pilot heading to the engine, woman in the helicopter | Mali |
| 07:33 - 07:54 | UN Women/ No restriction | Various shots of women in the workplace | Seychelles, Portugal, Montenegro |
Training and capacity building | 07:55 - 08:19 | ILO/ No restriction | DRC youth getting vocational training for IT; receiving certificates | DR Congo |
Transport, logistics and trade facilitation | 08:20 - 08:41 | FAO/ No restrictions | Ship sails from port with containers | Unspecified |
Food security, agriculture | 08:42- 09:03 | Footage courtesy of IFAD | Close shot on plants, woman preparing lunch, children waiting for lunch sitting | India |
Sustainable economies | 09:04 - 09:18 | World Bank/ No restrictions | Solar panels in Jamaica | Jamaica |
09:19 -09:34 | Unifeed/ No restrictions | vehicles powered by electricity | France |
Edited News , B-roll , Conferences | HRC
High-level representatives of the UN and its Member States arriving at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to attend the world's top human rights forum.
B-roll | OCHA
On this year's World Humanitarian Day, UN humanitarian affairs office OCHA brought UN staff together in Geneva at a "Stand in solidarity" event.
Bees thrive at the United NationsĀ in Geneva