SG GHO2024
283.3 MB

Statements | UNOG , OCHA


2023 saw a human suffering on an epic and heartbreaking scale.
Brutal conflicts and climate chaos are making life a hell
on Earth for millions of people around the world.
Civilians caught in the line of fire being injured or killed,
people fleeing within and across borders in search of safety
communities battered by earthquakes, floods, fires and droughts.
Women, men and Children dying of hunger and preventable disease.
But within these whirlwinds of crisis, you can find glimmers of hope.
The women and men of the humanitarian community are staying
and delivering in some of the world's most dangerous places.
In 2023
they overcame enormous barriers to reach 128 million people with food, shelter,
medicine, water, sanitation and protection.
And they did so with a fraction of the support. They need just one third of the $57
billion required.
This represents the worst funding shortfall
for humanitarian operations in years.
We cannot continue doing more
with less. In 2024 we are counting on donors' generosity to turn the tide.
The United Nations and our partners are seeking $46
billion to help 181 million people in need.
Donors must pull out all the stops to get there.
We also need far more investment to build resilience and strength
in vulnerable communities so they can withstand shocks and crises.
And we need to redouble global efforts to address the climate crisis
and forge political solutions to the conflicts
that are inflicting widespread misery and death.
We cannot turn our backs on human suffering.
Let's make 2024 a year of help and hope for people in desperate need.