Edited News: Gaza situation update – UNRWA Philippe Lazzarini - 14 December 2023
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Edited News , Press Conferences

UNRWA Press conference with Mr. Philippe Lazzarini - 14 December 2023

STORY: Gaza situation update – UNRWA

TRT: 04:07”


  1. Exterior wide shot: Global Refugee Forum at Palexpo in Geneva
  2. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) – Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General: ““Basically, the lucky ones are those who have a place inside our premises and especially now that winter has just started. But the others have absolutely nowhere to go, they live in the open, they live in the cold, in the mud and under the rain. Everywhere you look is congested with makeshift shelters, everywhere you go people are desperate, hungry and are terrified.”
  3. Cutaway: Wide shot, press briefing held at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva
  4. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) - Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General: ““This has nothing to do with aid diversion, this is something which has to do with a total despair the people are expressing in the Gaza Strip. Hunger is something people in Gaza have never ever known before. But hunger has now emerged over the last few weeks and we meet more and more people who haven’t eaten for one, two or three days.”
  5. Cutaway: Wide shot, press briefing held at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva
  6. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) – Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General: ““What continues to shock me is the ever-increasing level of dehumanization, the lack of empathy and humanity, the fact that people can laugh, cheer and mock and any type of wrongdoing that we observe in this war when in fact, what is happening in Gaza should outrage anyone, should make us all rethink our values. Think, this is also a make-or-break moment for all of us and for our shared humanity”.
  7. Cutaway: Medium shot, press briefing held at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva
  8. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) - Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General: ““I am horrified at the smear campaign that targets Palestinians and those who provide aid to them. And on that, I am asking you to help us to push back against misinformation and inaccuracies. I know that some of you are constantly doing fact checking. But fact-checking is absolutely key if we want accurate information.
  9. Cutaway: Medium shot, press briefing held at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva
  10. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) - Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General: ““In suffering there’s absolutely no competition and I believe that ultimately in this war there will be no winner. The longer this war goes on, the largest loss, but beyond that, the deeper the grief. So, I think like many of my colleagues, that there is absolutely no alternative to a proper, genuine political process to end once for all the longest lasting unresolved conflict. 75 years without a solution.”
  11. Cutaway: Medium shot, press briefing held at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva
  12. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) - Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General: “We are confronted with an unprecedented war, I think it’s a war of all possible superlatives, in terms of destruction, in terms of the number of people killed, in terms of needs, in terms of displacement, and more than ever, countries with a human tradition should  continue to express their solidarity , and today the main agency in the Gaza Strip is UNRWA. And would UNRWA collapse, the entire humanitarian system in the Gaza Strip would collapse.”
  13. Cutaway: Medium shot, press briefing held at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva


“This is a make-or-break moment for all of us and our shared humanity,” UNRWA Commissioner-General Lazzarini

Returning from his third visit to Gaza since the war started, the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Philippe Lazzarini, said on Thursday that “every time I see more misery, grief and sadness”. 

Briefing journalists in Geneva 69 days since the Israeli bombardment began in response to the 7 October Hamas terror attacks in southern Israel, Mr. Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General, said that in in southern Rafah governorate, “basically, the lucky ones are those who have a place inside our premises and especially now that winter has just started. But the others have absolutely nowhere to go, they live in the open, they live in the cold, in the mud and under the rain. Everywhere you look is congested with makeshift shelters, everywhere you go people are desperate, hungry and are terrified.”

From the sidelines of the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, Mr. Lazzarini explained that he saw people stopping aid trucks, offloading food and eating it immediately.

“This has nothing to do with aid diversion, this is something which has to do with a total despair the people are expressing in the Gaza Strip,” he said. “Hunger is something people in Gaza have never ever known before. But hunger has now emerged over the last few weeks and we meet more and more people who haven’t eaten for one, two or three days.”

With more than one million people looking for shelter there, Mr. Lazzarini said that UNRWA facilities are massively overcrowded.

“What continues to shock me is the ever-increasing level of dehumanization, the lack of empathy and humanity, the fact that people can laugh, cheer and mock and any type of wrongdoing that we observe in this war when in fact, what is happening in Gaza, should outrage anyone, should make us all rethink our values. Think, this is also a make-or-break moment for all of us and for our shared humanity,” he said, in reference to inflammatory social media posts.

Urging the media to help, Mr. Lazzarini said that he was “horrified at the smear campaign that targets Palestinians and those who provide aid to them. And on that, I am asking you to help us to push back against misinformation and inaccuracies...Fact-checking is absolutely key if we want accurate information.”

Mr. Lazzarini reiterated his call for the opening of the Kerem Shalom crossing which handled the daily passage of hundreds of commercial trucks before it was shut on 7 October.

“We are confronted with an unprecedented war, […] a war of all possible superlatives, in terms of destruction, in terms of the number of people killed, in terms of needs, in terms of displacement, and more than ever, countries with a human tradition should continue to express their solidarity, and today the main agency in the Gaza Strip is UNRWA.” He reminded that should UNRWA collapse, “the entire humanitarian system in the Gaza Strip would collapse.”

Mr. Lazzarini concluded his briefing by saying that “in suffering there’s absolutely no competition and I believe that ultimately in this war there will be no winner.” He added that “the longer this war goes on, the largest loss, but beyond that, the deeper the grief. […] There is absolutely no alternative to a proper, genuine political process to end once for all the longest lasting unresolved conflict. 75 years without a solution.”


the lucky ones
are those who have a place
inside our premises
and especially now that winter has just started.
But the others
have absolutely nowhere to go. They live in the open. They live in the cold, in the mud
and under the rain.
Everywhere you look
is congested with makeshift shelters.
Everywhere you go, people are desperate, hungry
and are
This has nothing to do
with a diversion.
is something which has to do
with the total
that people are expressing in the Gaza Strip.
is something people in Gaza have never ever
known before.
But hunger
has now emerged
over the last few weeks,
and we meet more and more
who haven't eaten for 12
or three days
in reality gained
human right.
What continues to shock me
is the ever increasing level of dehumanisation,
the lack of empathy and humanity,
the fact that people can laugh, cheer
and mock
any type of wrongdoing
that we observe in
this war,
when in fact
what is happening in Gaza
should outrage anyone
should make us all rethink
our values.
I think
this is also
a make or break moment
for all of us
and for our shared humanity.
I'm horrified at
the smear campaigns
that target
and those who provide aid to them.
And on that
I'm asking you to help us push back
and inaccuracies.
I know that some of you are constantly doing fact checking,
but fact checking is absolutely
key. If we want
accurate information,
you have tens
thousands in suffering. There is absolutely no competition,
and I believe
that ultimately in this war
there will be
no winner.
And the longer this war goes on,
the larger the loss. But beyond that,
the deeper the grief.
I think
like many of my colleagues,
that there is absolutely no alternative
to a proper, genuine political process
to end once for all
the longest
unresolved conflict
75 years
without a solution,
in the U, we are
with an unprecedented
I think it's a war of all the possible superlative
in terms of destruction in terms of the number of
people killed in terms of need in terms of displacement
and more than ever,
countries with
a tradition
should continue
to express their solidarity,
and today
the main agency
in the Gaza Strip
is UN
and would UN
a collapse? The entire emergency system
in the Gaza Strip
would collapse.
Let me
just sit.