UN Human Rights High Commissioner delivered Global Update at 57th Human Rights Council
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Volker Türk Global Update at 57th Human Rights Council opening

STORY: UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk – “Human rights are our mainstay against unbridled power

TRT: 03:35



  1. Exterior shot: Palais des Nations
  2. Interior shot: Human Rights Council
  3. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:It seems to me we are at a fork in the road. We can either continue on our current path — a treacherous ‘new normal’ — and sleepwalk into a dystopian future. Or we can wake up and turn things around for the better, for humanity and the planet.”
  4. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  5. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:The ‘new normal’ cannot be endless, vicious military escalation and increasingly horrifying, technologically “advanced” methods of warfare, control, and repression. The ‘new normal’ cannot be continued indifference to deepening inequalities within and between States.”
  6. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  7. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:It cannot be the free-for-all spread of disinformation, smothering facts and the ability to make free and informed choices. Heated rhetoric and simplistic fixes, erasing context, nuance, and empathy. Paving the way for hate speech and the dire consequences that inevitably follow.”
  8. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  9. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:The ‘new normal’ cannot be that national sovereignty is twisted to shroud – or excuse – horrific violations.”
  10. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  11. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:We can and must make a different choice. Reconnect with our common humanity, nature, and our planet. In other words, we could choose to be guided by human rights and the universal values that we all share.”
  12. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  13. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:I have been speaking about the negative impact on peoples’ rights of entrenched power structures, and of the misuse of power. And yet, movements such as those against apartheid, racism, for women’s rights, for environmental rights, and many others have shown us how human rights can trigger positive change in society, steering us towards greater justice and stability.”
  14. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  15. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:I urge voters to ask themselves which of the political platforms or candidates will work for the human rights of everyone.”
  16. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  17. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:For those of us engaged in this work, it is as if we are standing on the banks of a river watching people drown, with lifebuoys piled at our feet.”
  18. Cutaway: Human Rights Council
  19. SOUNDBITE (English) — Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:States themselves have designed international human rights and humanitarian law to preserve and guarantee our common humanity. These norms are our mainstay against unbridled power. All parties to conflicts and other States, particularly those with influence, must do everything they can to put an end to violations.”

“It seems to me we are at a fork in the road. We can either continue on our current path — a treacherous ‘new normal’ — and sleepwalk into a dystopian future. Or we can wake up and turn things around for the better, for humanity and the planet,” Türk said.

“The ‘new normal’ cannot be endless, vicious military escalation and increasingly horrifying, technologically “advanced” methods of warfare, control, and repression. The ‘new normal’ cannot be continued indifference to deepening inequalities within and between States,” he said. 

“It cannot be the free-for-all spread of disinformation, smothering facts and the ability to make free and informed choices. Heated rhetoric and simplistic fixes, erasing context, nuance, and empathy. Paving the way for hate speech and the dire consequences that inevitably follow,” Türk said.


“The ‘new normal’ cannot be that national sovereignty is twisted to shroud – or excuse – horrific violations,” he added.


“We can and must make a different choice. Reconnect with our common humanity, nature, and our planet. In other words, we could choose to be guided by human rights and the universal values that we all share,” he said.

I have been speaking about the negative impact on peoples’ rights of entrenched power structures, and of the misuse of power. And yet, movements such as those against apartheid, racism, for women’s rights, for environmental rights, and many others have shown us how human rights can trigger positive change in society, steering us towards greater justice and stability,” he said.

Amid elections scheduled during 2024, Türk called on voters to keep in mind the issues that matter most to them – be it a home, education for their children, their health or job, justice, their family and loved ones, the environment, to be free from violence, tackling corruption, being heard.

I urge voters to ask themselves which of the political platforms or candidates will work for the human rights of everyone, he said. 

Türk stressed that States must not – cannot – accept blatant disregard for international law, including binding decisions of the Security Council and orders of the International Court of Justice. 

He highlighted how, in many situations, even minimal humanitarian aid to civilians has been  instrumentalized, diverted or indeed blocked altogether, as is access for human rights monitors. 

“For those of us engaged in this work, it is as if we are standing on the banks of a river watching people drown, with lifebuoys piled at our feet,” Türk said.

“States themselves have designed international human rights and humanitarian law to preserve and guarantee our common humanity. These norms are our mainstay against unbridled power. All parties to conflicts and other States, particularly those with influence, must do everything they can to put an end to violations,” he stated.



we shall now begin the 57th regular session.
It seems to me
we are at a fork in the road.
We can either continue on our current path
a treacherous new normal
and sleepwalk into a dystopian future.
Or we can wake up and turn things around for the better
for humanity and the planet.
And they,
the new normal cannot be endless, vicious military escalation
and increasingly horrifying,
technologically advanced methods of warfare, control and repression.
The new normal cannot be continued indifference
to deepening inequalities between
and within states.
It cannot be the free for all spread of disinformation,
smothering facts
and the ability to make free and informed choices.
Heated rhetoric
and simplistic fixes,
erasing context, nuance
and empathy,
paving the way for hate speech
and the dire consequences that will inevitably follow
the new normal cannot be that national sovereignty is twisted
to shroud
or excuse horrific violations,
we can
and must make a different choice,
reconnect with our common humanity, nature and our planet.
In other words,
we could choose to be guided by human rights
and the universal values that we all share.
I have been speaking about the negative impact on people's
rights of entrenched power structures and the misuse of power.
And yet movements such as those against apartheid,
racism for women's rights for environmental rights and many others have
shown us how human rights can trigger positive change in society,
steering us towards greater justice and stability.
I urge voters to ask themselves which of the political
platforms or candidates will work for the human rights of everyone
goal against.
For those of us engaged in these works,
it is as if we are standing
on the banks of a river, watching people drown with life buoys piled at our feet.
States themselves have designed international human rights and humanitarian law
to preserve and guarantee our common humanity.
These norms are our mainstay against unbridled power,
all parties to conflicts, and other states,
particularly those with influence,
must do everything they can put an end to violations.