Selected sound bites with b-roll (978 stories found)




Hostilities in the Gaza strip - WHO

Edited News | WHO

“Access is necessary to get urgently needed supplies into Gaza”, says WHO




UN Human Rights briefing by Liz Throssell on the situation in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank

Edited News | OHCHR

“While much attention has been on the attacks inside Israel and the escalation of hostilities in Gaza since 7 October, the situation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is alarming and urgent, amid the increasing and multi-layered human rights violations of Palestinians occurring...



UN Human Rights briefing by Liz Throssell on sexual violence in Sudan, 3 November 2023

Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG

UN Human rights spokesperson Liz Throssell briefed journalists in Geneva on reports of women and girls being abducted in Sudan.



Update crisis oPt / Israel - OCHA - WHO - OHCHR

Edited News | OCHA , OHCHR , WHO

As the crisis in Gaza continues to worsen amid intense Israeli bombardments and an ongoing ground operation, UN humanitarians reiterated on Friday their call for a humanitarian pause to be able to deliver urgently needed relief items throughout the enclave and evacuate those seriously wounded.




WMO/WHO Press Conference - 02 November 2023

Edited News , Press Conferences | WHO , WMO

Amid more frequent extreme weather events and temperature records, human health – particularly in the most vulnerable communities - is increasingly threatened, according to a new multi-agency report coordinated by the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO).



Gaza update - UNICEF - WHO - OHCHR - OCHA

Edited News | OCHA , OHCHR , UNICEF , WHO

With the Israeli military advancing deeper into the Gaza Strip and the continuation of "unprecedented" hostilities with a devastating impact on children, UN humanitarians reiterated on Tuesday their calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for unimpeded and secure access of urgently needed...



UN Human Rights briefing by Liz Throssell on Ukraine Hroza report, 31 October 2023.

Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG

The UN Human Rights Office has today been giving details of its fact-finding mission to the village of Hroza in eastern Ukraine, where on 5 October a missile struck a café, killing 59 people attending a funeral reception. It was one of the deadliest single incidents for civilians since February...



UN Human Rights briefing on Israel -OPT by Ravina Shamdasani, 27 October 2023

Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG

“UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk is appealing to all sides to heed the calls for peace. The violence needs to end and there need to be strong efforts to seek an alternative to this carnage,”said Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office.



Gaza: humanitarian situation - OCHA - OHCHR - WHO - WFP

Edited News | OCHA , OHCHR , WFP , WHO





Gaza: humanitarian aid UNRWA - WHO

Edited News | WHO

Fuel now the most vital commodity in Gaza amid fears of health care collapse Fuel is essential to bring water, food and health care to Gazans in dire need, but supplies have not been provided in aid convoys to date, UN humanitarians warned on Tuesday.