UN Human Rights Spokesperson Thameen Al Kheetan and Head of OHCHR OPT office Ajith Sunghay on Gaza
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Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG

UN Human Rights Spokesperson Thameen Al-Kheetan and Ajith Sunghay head of office for the Occupied Palestinian territory on Israeli air strikes and shelling.

The last 18 months of violence have made abundantly clear that there is no military path out of this crisis. The only way forward is a political settlement, in line with international law.

“Israel’s resort to yet more military force will only heap further misery upon a Palestinian population already suffering catastrophic conditions,” Al-Kheetan said.

Ajith Sunghay, head of the office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory joining remotely from Amman, added: “We are again seeing the scenes of mutilated bodies of children, and bodies wrapped in shrouds.”

“It is unacceptable, even unimaginable, to once again find ourselves talking about this instead of supporting a path towards meaningful recovery and sustainable peace,” Sunghay stated.

“Simply, this violence, and the killing must stop immediately. The hostages must be released. Those arbitrarily detained must also be freed,” he said.

For more information and media requests, please contact:

Thameen Al-Kheetan: +41 22 917 4232 / thameen.alkheetan@un.org

Liz Throssell - + 41 22 917 9296 / elizabeth.throssell@un.org

Jeremy Laurence - + 41 22 917 9383 / jeremy.laurence@un.org

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STORY: UN Human Rights Spokesperson Thameen Al-Kheetan and Ajith Sunghayhead of the office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, on Israeli strikes
TRT: 01:20


1. Exterior shot: Palais des Nations
2. Interior shot: Briefing room
3. SOUNDBITE (English)—Thameen Al-Kheetan, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): “We are horrified by last night’s Israeli airstrikes and shelling in Gaza, which killed hundreds, according to the Ministry of Health in the strip. This will add tragedy onto tragedy.”
4. Cut away: Briefing room
5. SOUNDBITE (English)—Thameen Al-Kheetan, Spokesperson for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): “Israel’s resort to yet more military force will only heap further misery upon a Palestinian population already suffering catastrophic conditions.”
6. Cut away: Briefing room
7. SOUNDBITE (English)— Ajith Sunghay, head of the office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “We are again seeing the scenes of mutilated bodies of children, and bodies wrapped in shrouds.”
8. Cut away: Briefing room
9. SOUNDBITE (English)— Ajith Sunghay, head of the office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “It is unacceptable, even unimaginable, to once again find ourselves talking about this instead of supporting a path towards meaningful recovery and sustainable peace.”
10. Cut away: Briefing room
11. SOUNDBITE (English)— Ajith Sunghay, head of the office for the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OHCHR): “Simply, this violence, and the killing must stop immediately. The hostages must be released. Those arbitrarily detained must also be freed.”
12. Cut away: Briefing room

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